They were independent of each other. Please enter your email and password to sign in. Lois Jurgens, 62, of Stillwater, chewed gum impassively as the jury announced its verdict, finding her guilty of third-degree murder in the 1965 death of her adopted son, Dennis. Soon the word spread from house to housethered been a death, the younger Jurgens boy had died. Thank you for fulfilling this photo request. Rekdahl decided to call on the Jurgenses. Harold and Lois Jurgens, a middle-class, churchgoing couple in picturesque White Bear Lake, Minnesota, had adopted Dennis and five other foster children. 
There was also a great deal of suspicion surrounding Jerome Zerwas, the brother of Lois Jurgens, who was a police lieutenant in the city of White Bear Lake, Minnesota. Two or three couples signed written statements. A Mrs. Hansen called to report a lost wallet, which resulted in an officers checking a phone booth at Fourth and Washington streets, next to the Avalon Jewelers.
At the funeral, a crown of roses rested on Dennis head. Tragically, just a few years after the adoption, Dennis died from peritonitis. For that reason, Dennis, a week after his birth, was baptized a Catholic. They covered the face, the head, the arms. Dennis and Robert Jurgens, 1965. new content, we kindly appreciate any donation you can give to help ?Tadeusz: I never remember pretty women. A few wondered how the Jurgenses had ever been allowed to adopt children. Lois Jurgens headed to trial. Year should not be greater than current year. Lois Jurgens, it turns out, was from the start a poor parental bet. There was obviously going to be trouble, and he didnt want to get involved. +C $33.27 shipping estimate. In 1951, some 14 years before Dennis's death, a psychiatrist at the Mayo Clinic entered this assessment in her file: "It is . Lois Jurgens served eight years of her sentence and had a quiet life as a widow in Stillwater, Minnesota. The suspicious death of Dennis Jurgens wasnt properly investigated for 20 years.
In a town like White Bear Lake, apparently no one thought it problematic that the assistant police chief, Lt. Jerome Zerwas, was Lois Jurgens brother.