She refers to these caverns in the following words: Somewhere I got the idea that a big portion of Death Valley is located on a shelf of FALSE bedrock. _____________________________ The tunnels are so spread out that the job takes a full day. The San Joaquin Valley is essentially a portion of the original cavernous area that collapsed eons ago due to its sheer weight. During that period, Balaklava was one of the most secret residential areas in the Soviet Union. Tunnels: 35 20 118 40 35. ****************** However, the depot was subsequently dropped from the BRAC list, and thus will continue to operate. Facilities include 178 Buildings and 2,427 Igloos. deflecting the molten materials against the tunnel walls to ***************************** Is there a possibility that the Navy does operate submarines from Monterey Bay via an underground sea which extends underneath the San Joaquin Valley, then under the Sierra Nevada mountain range to a Naval Undersea Warfare Center deep below the Nevada desert in Hawthorne Nevada? U.S. Department of Energy. In 1980, HWAAP was redesigned as a government-owned contractor-operated facility. There are 2 routes from Monterey Bay south of. Reply posted on 16-9-2007 @ 07:38 PM by ZORGON. It's not coming from our regular Black Op budget. Ryan and Kerry Cassidy The ship's depot would have all the supplies that the submarine needed to get back on patrol. Then again there is the possibility of similar aqua-caves leading inland from the base of the continental slopes of the EAST COAST Branton) only I cant imagine how even the Russians could CAPTURE a vessel like the Thresher without leaving the slightest evidence!, The following account, concerning an area just east of BISHOP (OWENS VALLEY), CALIFORNIA, was related by Val Valerian in his LEADING EDGE Newsletter, Dec. 1989 Jan. 1990 issue. + Sierra Nevada Mountainsvery deep military base. USS. And it evokes a mystery one involving secret underground naval bases, high-tech submarines and Cold War nuclear brinkmanship. Maybe, for some reason, the Navy uses that underground ocean (actually its not an 'underground ocean' its the same level as the rest of the Pacific, it is the land that is 'above water' so to speak) to travel around. More Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the Americas, The Secrets of the Mojave: Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality, 2015: According to the Macuxi Indians of the Amazon: Theres An Entire World Inside Our Planet, 1992: Underground Bases in Southern California. That is why the Mega Search turned up NOTHING. Its a five-minute drive out of town to the north, but instead of continuing to Walker Lake Hawthornes fourth and grandest wonder turn west into the Base. This was once the headquarters for the US Navy Ammunition Depot and is now a minor paradise enjoyed by its residents and by visitors alike. for melting the kerf and liner material is provided by a compact Consider a physically secure data center, with free cooling, in an industrial park beneath the sea . Lake tahoe is 1600 feet deep and it would be interesting if anySEA SALTcould be detected in the water.. all are between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size. She was designed to operate deeper and more silently than any of her predecessors and was also endowed with significant advances in sonar equipment, in noise reduction, and in fire-control. I wouldnt dough the possibility of 200 mile+ underground river and channels. The Rock-Site concept also bore much in common with NASAs designs for underground moon bases. He said it was "unusual that a commercial satellite would be overhead at just the right time" on a cloudless day. you for your help. Due to an agreement with him, I cannot reveal his identity. A tunnel-boring machine could be lowered into the shaft in pieces and then assembled to bore out more tunnels, including one for a small modular nuclear reactor much like those used at Camp Century in Greenland and McMurdo Base in Antarctica. If it were 1600 feet deep that would put the bottom of the lake about 4600 feet above sea level. materials against the excavation walls to provide, when Some of them look exactly like Afghan aqueducts.. A penalty of 30 percent was found I asked her if I could sign up for a tour. The town of Hawthorne, Nevada harbors a big 18-mile x 8-mile lake called Walker Lake. Impossible? The town of Hawthorne, Nevada harbors a big 18-mile x 8-mile lake called Walker Lake. Branton) submarine commander, who according to him, spent many years in the waters off California. Your suggestion of underground sea passages is in line with the thinking of Dr Brooks Agnew. We would probably have to have to separate channels, one for each direction of travel. When oil companies began pumping oil out of the ground beneath Long Beach it was soon learned that the entire city BEGAN SINKING INTO THE OCEAN! I helped A submarine base is a military base that shelters submarines and their personnel.. The depot is run by an independent contractor under an agreement with the government. ******************************************, Ubehebe Crater, Death Valley National Park. I mentioned to her that I was just going to take a picture of the sign which was less than ten feet from the highway. The United States Atomic Energy Commission and the United States Austins dream remains both sober and dazzlingly novel. Research and Development Administration just 21 days later, on 27 Gates Pass Base 3. Write by: . Lake Denmark, New Jersey, was blown off the face of the earth by a huge explosion at the naval ammunition depot there (in 1926), and Congress wanted to find some less valuable real estate for the new one. Most people think Im crazy when I say this, but I believe the Thresher was captured., I cant say for sure, but there WAS a Russian submarine spotted near there that day (that is, near where it REPORTEDLY vanished 220 miles off Boston harbor so either the Thresher DID sink there, off Boston harbor OR the government created an elaborate cover story of it sinking off the east coast when in fact it went through the Panama canal and disappeared near the west coast, or BENEATH the west coast or, IF the Thresher did disappear off of Boston harbor, then the nuclear sub that disappered in the aqua-caves of California may have been yet another possibly top secret submarine. Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA - very deep military base 34. presence, and the tunnels they make, could be very hard to detect, tunneling machine forces its way forward. favorable. showing the many undergro. One wonders what might have happened had the Navy put its nuclear expertise to work drilling holes in the ocean floor. In 1994, the facility received its current name of the Hawthorne Army Depot (HWAD). Anybody doing pre-deployment training for Afghanistan should be coming to China Lake, he said. A short time later Steve Fossettturns up missing. Take a look inside. Though its not atomic-powered, the worlds largest tunnel-boring machine is about to drill a two-mile-long tunnel beneath Seattle wide enough to hold an Ohio-class sub. The article, titled: DEEP SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA, stated: Deep Springs, California is an area that is becoming known as the site for very strange events. (a) a making a glass-lined tunnel of 40 ft. in diameter or more. Click image to see full size. Maybe there is some kind of access from the surface of the desert within the area occupied by the Naval Undersea Warfare Center. Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert ? On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. What do you believe really happened? Carson and Joy asked the attractive young woman. 2. **********************************************. Also, because of recent international events which may have resulted in a solution to this problem. Submarine bases are military bases that offer good fleet anchorage and are designed to refuel and resupply submarines. this way the nuclear subterrene slices through the rock like a The abstract describes: A tunneling machine for producing Further, all but one of NOTE : Unlikely. In 1998-1999, the facility was used to destroy the U.S. stockpile of. Bases The Underground War FULL UPDATE. presently answer. We will merely state that it involves a scenario similar to that which was portrayed in a, 9. But. base. It is then circulated back along the exterior of See also [ edit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to Naval Museum Balaklava. Hawthorne Army Depot is located in the west central part of Nevada close to the California state line. And it evokes a mystery one involving secret underground naval bases, high-tech submarines and Cold War nuclear brinkmanship. I do not know if these stories are true. Ill try and get some good photos. Submarine bases are military bases that offer good fleet anchorage and are designed to refuel and resupply submarines. on Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert ? ' The club house is a favorite meeting place for local decision-makers. features. Or so it would seem. Williams continues: When he retired several years ago, in spite of about 10 years of intensive Naval study, the Navy had not gotten even a handle on their exacts and dimensions. Tunneling costs for NSTMs are very It is noteworthy in the first place that the government The USS Beaver was the first specially built submarine tender, completed in 1918. In 1994, it ended its production mission and became Hawthorne Army Depot. [1] But lets assume that it might be true. soil, actually vitrifying it as they go, and leaving a neat, solidly lining behind. If so, then sry, 1982/83. Puerto Rico? supplied by a compact nuclear reactor. Chapter 36 - The Final Invasion of the U.S.?? Day & Zimmermann Hawthorne Corporation (DZHC) is the current operating contractor. I have seen copies of documentation that at least prove that he was a high ranking Naval officer (nuclear submarine duty) and a distinguished scientist. Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert ? Three of the tunnel locations are fully instrumented with weather stations and environmental sensing equipment inside and outside. Did the A.A. Mathews study represent part of the Fort Collins- base for Gray aliens 41. nuclear reactor. The submarine also made an appearance in the 2002 movie starring Liam Neeson and Harrison Ford, K-19:The Widowmaker. Tehachapi Canyon was finished in Sept. '95. This 1975 patent further specifies that Wonders how many disappeared, before it was fenced off? As for the. These mines span an area of approximately 75 square miles and presently employ some 4,100 men in the undersea workings., Among the benefits of Rock-Site, Austin noted its immunity to weather and currents, its shirt-sleeve environment and its (very) controlled access. submarine base nevada. Mr. Lear . Lake tahoe is 1600 feet deep and it would be interesting if anySEA SALTcould be detected in the water.. The melted rock will be forced to the outside of the tunnel by the tunnel machine, where it will form a hard, glassy (SSBN-733) USS Nevada (SSBN-733) off the United States East Coast on her commissioning day, 16 August 1986. The distance is roughly about 212 statute miles. There is definately one at Walker Lake. Lake Tahoe is 6200 ft. above mean sea level. More than 15,000 people live on the base. I pulled across the road to the entrance just short of the shack a lady in Army uniform came over and told me I couldnt take pictures.