You can speak, read, and write Birdfolk.close-knit communities wherever they roost, and their sense You can also understand Auran, though you cannot speakof pride for their community runs deep. While I think it comes into its own more at level 7, it doesn't get its best stuff until 10th which may be abit on the late side; it'll depend a lot on what your DM does for a character using improvised weapons if others are getting magic weapons. Wed love to hear it! You cannot glide whilebelieve crucial for survival in the Wood. The birdfolk are to newly-established birdfolk perches, though many foundwell-defended from outside threats thanks to the Perch Guard, birdfolk architecture to be restrictive for creatures withouta force of soldiers trained in both aerial and ground combat, wings. Only the truly foolhardy among them are taken in by Darkvision. Spiny Quills. (Neutral) Cynicism. The backs of hedges are covered withspiny quills, which makes it impossible for hedges to weararmor. Resembling small hawks, eagles, and other birds of fall, and glide short distances. I have had an affinity for nature and animals my entirelife, which has been my primary source of inspiration for much of my personal work. The gods of night are varied, encompassing those powers of your deity to grant yourself truesight within 120 feetwho would use the cover of darkness to protect others from of you for a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom modi-threats, to those who would use the shadows for wrong doings. They also lean towards the freedom of chaotic alignments. If you want to play a fighter in your next (or first) Dungeons and Dragons campaign this is the list for you! equal to your roll on the Bardic Inspiration die + your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). While they resemble animals. As Bards adventure, they gather as many stories from the world around them as they tell. Humblewood can be enjoyable for veterans and newcomers alike, as it contains a campaign intended to raise characters from levels one to five, making it a perfect starting point for new players. Cervans reach maturity around 12 years. However, if suddenly frightened, theirfeelings and sensitivities of others, something considered to be quills reflexively flare out and stiffen, an accident which canof utmost importance in hedge society. I yearn to experience unique cultures and discover new places. 1 lb.Strig 3'10" +2d10 80 lb. D&D Best Fighter Subclasses for 5th Edition. The College of the Road of your choice (see Travelers Trick Options).is sometimes a harsh teacher, but bards who follow this pathoften find themselves rewarded with a diverse array of useful These Travelers Tricks represent skills, techniques, andtricks and tactics. You have a deepconnection to the magic of theWood. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building faade. Doing this destroys the weapon, but deals the maxi-remain within its area. Standing Leap. At 6th level, you have finally mastered the Armed Combat Lessons. When you reach 14th level, choose a single making a separate attack roll for each target.spell of 7th level or lower from the warlocks spell list. When providing Acrobatics Lessons. Raptors are lean, muscular hunters, but they standless than 4 feet tall. The magic of animals and their usually unseen lives intrigues us, sparks our imagination, and we see a lot of ourselves in them when we finally slow down enough to look. My first read is they're on the strong side. a hostile creature that is Large or smaller. pine, would also make sense. Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit, one type of Gaming Setor Musical Instrument Feature: Bandit Routes Equipment: a knife, a cooking pot, a winter blanket, anobject you received as your cut from a successful robbery, a set As someone who once assisted in countless highwayof common clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp robberies, you are familiar with the roads of the Wood and escape paths used by bandits. Confront the terrifyingashsnakeand its deadly pyroclastic breath! Additionally, if you move at least 20 feet in a straight linetowards an opponent, you can spend a bonus action to chargethem, dealing an extra 1d6 points of piercing damage. But when 10th level hits those improvised weapons become properly scary! I wanted to make a thread to talk about this subclass as I think it is soo fun: . You have an almost supernatural ability to Corvums are commonly accepted, sometimes begrudg- appraise objects. Your Intelligence score Subrace. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 41Misdirection At 7th level, you are adept at using words and gestures to taunt or fake- out your opponent, turning their lack of composure against them. Playable races do not exhibit physical and agile. Raptors reach maturity around 20 years. Holly Conrad Twitter: @HollyConrad Twitch: @commanderholly 6 Foreword Preface by leesha hannigan When approaching the art direction for Humblewood, I wanted to express that this is a world Mapach is a very technically dense language that often incorporates rough equations and estimations of physical prop- Common and Birdfolk erties in normal conversation. Choose one of these subraces. Alignment. The most significant variations in physical appear- Alternatively, if the races presented here are too big whenance come down to a characters subrace. Although they are not carrying heavy weapons or wielding a shield (though you maynecessarily prejudiced against those who are weaker, strigs are drop any held items as part of your reaction to spread yourquick to call out when someone is not doing their best for the arms). You have advantage onStealth checks made in dim lightand darkness. Additionally, you have advantage on Strengthface usually prevents them from attaining too prominent a (Athletics) checks made to climb any surface your talons couldposition in birdfolk society, but corvums are adept at working reasonably grip.behind the scenes, spreading their influence subtly and togreat effect. reaction actions ll You can speak and understand Giant Eagle, Giant Elk, one special sense they possess and Giant Owl. and leader, so shall it be. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property ofHit Point Press Inc. in Canada, US and other countries. You have proficiency in the Intimida-tion skill. The College of Spirits Is DnD's Most Nefarious Bardic College. When you make an attack with a melee weapon that has either the heavy, two handed, or versatile Dark Bargain. Size. Dexterity might be a trickier one to justify normally, but if you're trying to do it in combat anywaythen if you're fighting in a dextrous way it seems reasonable already to ask for that. Either way, the future of the Wood is yours to write. Using your feathered arms, you can slow yourminds. Those who underestimate a bard from the useful pieces of knowledge picked up along the way. You have an almost unnatural beauty and grace, inspiring admiration in some and jealousy in others. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.wounds run deep with hedges.One With the Forest Gifted with a unique connection to the Great Rhythm,hedges are tied into the natural world in a fashion similar tothe connection possessed by some gallus. This allows a Hedge character to serve as a much more sturdy spellcaster than one may anticipate. Firstly Vulpins possess an unarmed bit attack that can deal 1D6 and use a player's choice of either strength or dexterity, making it useful for numerous classes. They are as often shunned for their world. Come and discover the mystery behind all the forest fires, is it the Bandit Coalition or something even more nefarious? Your size is Small. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 27Mapach cunning crafters Naturally curious, mapachs are a medium-sized racoon-like MAPACH TRAITSrace. Otherwise, they retaina rather rough, cobbled-together appearance.You can also use scroungecraft to repair brokenequipment, provided you have the materialson hand. You do nottaught you how to use a simple combat stance to wield provoke attacks of opportunity this turn.your weapons more effectively. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TTMM TMHumblewood Campaign Setting is Copyright 2019 Hit Point Press Inc., 1175 Brookfield Rd East, Ottawa,Ontario, K1V0C3, Canada. You gainof mortals. Want updates?Join our Discord and chat with us! How effectively a At 3rd level you already have several memorable experi-bard of this College can apply what they have learned depends ences from your life on the road. Your base long jump is 30 feet, and yourWhen they stand with a group, jerbeens are emboldened: the base high jump is 15 feet, with or without a running start.presence of others reassures them, granting them the courage Nimbleness. So yeah, I like the theme, I'm just a bit iffy on the early levels value of the 3rd level features, it scales into something fun though. Cervan is a complex language with no written script. Alignment. This subclass gets some interesting abilities. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Much of cervan history is preserved by village elders Race determines the language your character can speak by and passed down orally through the generations as stories,default, and your background might give you access to one or songs, and sayings. Even though you cant wear armor, you can stillbenefit from the armor class bonus provided by shields solong as you are proficient with them. (Chaotic)46 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodNew Feats a knack for adventureThe following new feats are appropriate for campaigns taking place in Humblewood.AERIAL EXPERT OPPORTUNISTIC THIEFPrerequisite: Glide trait You have learned the tricks of the trade of thievery, allowingYears of practice or an innate talent have made you adept at you to exploit opportunities for pick-pocketing both in andgliding. Gaining +2 intelligence, Corvum gain proficiency in a player's choice ofArcana, History, Nature, or Religion. nas would also work.Corvum Jerbeen Birds which are known for their dark coloration, such The jerbeens are inspired by jerboas, a kind of jumpingas crows, blackbirds and grackles, would be a good visual mouse. and high charisma means that small songbirds such as chicka- dees, wrens, sparrows, and cardinals would also be a good fit.Gallus A bird-of-paradise could be used as well due to their focus on performance, though they might be better suited for visitors to Gallus characters are usually represented by land fowl of all Humblewood from more tropical regions. Art Director: Leesha Hannigan Publisher: The Deck of Many Page Count: 224 Available Formats: PDF & Print PDF (The Deck of Many) - $29.99 Print (The Deck of Many) - $79.99 In the world of Everden, on the eastern coast of a great continent, there is a vast forest nestled between . Even in these dark times, brave heroes can be found within the Wood. those who give me this title. Swift. Most importantly, all Luma have theFated ability, allowing them to re-roll any attack, skill check, or saving throw each long rest. You may uncurl yourself atany point during your turn. At 6th level, you have learned to identify a selection of useful herbs that you can carry with you. Though, how long your repairs holdtogether is up to the GM. race could take inspiration. The wind chose me to be a brave warrior up to become a holy figure, a prophet, or a fabled hero. prone with the force of your impact. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.could not predict. You can also understand Auran, though you cannot speak Strigs, more than any of the other birdfolk race, are most at it naturally.home in the wild. Rela- tions between the humblefolk and birdfolk are tense. 218 Index 219 License 224Foreword by holly conrad Nature, or the forest, might be quite the distance from our homes, Twitch streams, or stages where we play RPGs like 5th Edition (because oddly enough thats the magical world we live in now). When you select thisoption, choose from the following Fighting Styles:ll Archery: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.ll Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.ll Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. (Lawful)3 Egotism. Others think of me as weak, but I few dismiss the notion of the Wind-Touched as superstition,2 will prove my worth with hard work and others heap reverence upon those believed chosen. You can speak, read, and write Birdfolk. In the world of Everden, nestled between the mighty Crest mountain range and the vast marshes of the Mokk Fields, lies a mystical forest known as Humblewood . Lifters are the specialist thieves of an operation. You are proficient with tinkers tools.or on-hand materials is known as scroungecraft, and is a Additionally, you have the ability to construct crude butcultural staple among mapachs. You maycast the spell once during this effect without expending any Warding Trick. You serious? They can reach a respectable old age by bird-folk standards, living around 80 years. You also have a wealth ofpatience, acting only when it best suits your goals. Cervans have a robust physique and are rarely sick. If you make a show of power or skill that can beattributed to the wind or air, such as feats of acrobatics or 2 I am estranged from my parents who dontcommanding unseen forces, those believers will be bolstered believe in my your supernatural presence. ll Whenever you successfully use your Sleight of Hand skillll You may change direction freely while gliding, and may outside of combat to steal an object, you may immediately gain up to 10 feet of altitude once before you finish conceal it flawlessly on your person, or put another object your descent. Age. Your Charisma score increases by 2. When you do this, you gain thebenefits of your chosen Fighting Style for 10 minutes. Staff Writer, Paul DiSalvo is a writer, comic creator, animation lover, and game design enthusiast currently residing in Boston, Massachusetts. Additionally, you have advantage onall Charisma checks made to convince someone of yourexceptional knowledge on any topic related to the skill youselected with your learned trait (Arcana, History, Nature,or Religion). You have proficiency with improvised weapons, and treat any improvised weapon you handle as if it has the finesse quality. Bite. Using this skill strains the eyes, and you mustwhenever possible. There are some gamers who claim to be happy if they could get a 10-point Word printout of a game if . Opportunity attacks made against youare rolled with disadvantage.Pronghorn Cervan As a pronghorn cervan, you were bornlarger and stronger than others in thecommunity and found yourself laden withexpectations from a very young age. in a battle on the high sea! Together they share the Wood and its bountiful resources. You have proficiencyin the Survival skill. I made the ones in the campaign book available, but not the Tender ones. Decide what your charac- ter believes, or roll on the table below to understand how1 My family has been the subject of ridicule ever they feel.2 since I left my home perch. Seeds of Decay: The Woodkin (PDF) Freebies $0.00. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 45Feature: Supernatural Presence d6 Bond Whether or not you are truly Wind-Touched, there are 1 I am guided by a wise elder who prepares me forfolk all across Everden that believe that you have been divinely my destiny.blessed. Nimble Step. These quills provide exceptional protection, there-fore you have a base armor class of 14 + your Dexteritymodifier. garrisons in times of crisis, and the birdfolk militias keeping the roads safe for merchant caravans, the Wood truly entered aTHE HUMBLEFOLK golden age. 5 I will prove my worth, even if it means putting myself and my friends in danger.7 I avoid showing my power at all costs. Possessing one of the most unique racial abilities of Humblewood, Mapach are a race of racoon-folk that gain +2 wisdom and +1 constitution.This race does not traditionally lean heavily towards good or evil, though the majority of Mapach stray towards a chaotic alignment. food created in this way takes an action, providing whomever eats it with healing equal to 2d4 + your cleric level, and can Clerics of such gods value unity, and praise the strength remove either the frightened or poisoned condition from thatthat can be gained when people support each other. AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File. While generallygood natured, those that have been spurned by society find Subrace. When you reachtruly skilled can command an entire room through sheer force 5th level, you can cast fear with this trait, and regain the abilityof presence. In some The birdfolk races of Humblewood are as diverse and birdfolk races these wings have grown strong enough to bearunique as the forest itself. Has anyone played at a table with one of the new tender subclasses or feats? Tender subclasses. Any additional dice added to the attacks damageFIGHTER roll are not affected by this ability.Martial Archetype At 10th level, the improvised weapons you wield become even more lethal in your hands. variation of Sylvan script. Even the feats seem pretty potent. Tender subclasses. You cant discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.Canny Craftspeople Mapachs are most comfortable under the cloak of night. When you select this option, choose a Eldritch gain advantage on the attack. It needs to stop somewhere. IamSposta. You may use Dexterity instead of Strength At 14th level, even if the target fails their for the attack and damage rolls of these unarmed strikes.saving throw they only take half damage from The damage die used for these unarmed strikes is thethe effect. You can use it in conjunction withamong families and friends. An ally must be within 60 feet gency triage. 2 I am looked upon as a traitor to my people.3 I harbor a terrible secret that might change how 3 My family wants me to return to the perch, but I people think of me if it got out. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.they are not very strong, brave, or powerful on their own. Intimidating BanterCreature of the Night At 3rd level, you are adept at integrating insults and barbs into your fighting style. The wind speaks to my soul, and I am bound to go wherever it directs me. That's worse than not optimizing though. Pairing their naturalunusual. Charisma is your spellcastingability for these spells. Thebirdfolk have hollow bones, reinforced by special internalstructures that act as struts. The night is mysterious, and conceals many unseendangers. Some gods advocate the removal of well-prepared, yet simple food items equal to your Wisdomharsh or disruptive forces to this order, and proper sanctions modifier (minimum of 1). Some have completely forsaken their old lives in favor of new ones in undergrowth commu- nities, while others keep ties with family and friends in the perches where they were born.44 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Woodd8 Personality Trait d6 Flaw1 I always second guess my choices. An Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Your carrying capacity is doubled, as is theweight you can push, drag, or lift. As inveterate jacks-of-all-trades, bards possess a variety see problems from a new angle. Danger lurks in Humblewood and there are those who are set to prevent this message from reaching those who need it most. Printed August 2019. Humblewood is a 5E compatible setting of adorable birdfolk and forest critters, successfully kickstarted in 2019 by folks over at The Deck of Many Things. Central meeting24 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodNatural Burrowers. They were the lost and forgotten of the animal world, and thats why I fell in love with them. JOIN OUR SERVER @THEDECKOFMANY SETTINGCreditsWriting and Game Design: Christopher Pinch, Interior Illustrators: L eesha Hannigan,Matthew Gravelyn, Jordan Richer, Andrea Radeck, Anneliese Mak, April Prime,Andrea Bruce, TR Rowe Beck Hallstedt, Ben Zweifel, Brittany Pezzillo, Christina Kraus, Christina Pirvu, Crystal Sully,Concept Creators: Ricardo Evangelho, Cynthia F.G., Derek Murphy, Emily Hare, Jordan Richer, Leesha Hannigan, Griffin Macaulay, Ilse Gort, Jason Rainville, Andrea Bruce Jen Pattison, Jon Neimeister, Julia Metzger, Katy Grierson, Kiana Hamm, KimberliEditors: Andrea Bruce, TR Rowe, Johnson, Lake Hurwitz, Lauren Henderson, Dominik ParisienArt Director: Leesha Hannigan Matei Monoranu, Paul Scott Canavan, Risa Hulett, Sarah Webb, Tiffany Turrill,Graphic Designers: Ricardo Evangelho, Vadim Ciocazan, Valeria Ivanova, Rajaa Al-Subairi Veronika Fedorova Front Cover Illustrators: Leesha Hannigan, Additional Contributors: Holly Conrad, Christina Kraus Deven Rue, Catherine HaritonBack Cover Illustrator: D erek Murphy Special Thanks: Gail Simone, Erika Ishii,Cartographers: Hugo Solis, Tim Paul Piotorwski, Brian Scott Walters, Geoffrey Palmer,Blue Sword Games, David Lanza Cebrian Russ Charles, Corrina Malone An extra-special thanks to our amazing 14,604Kickstarter backers who helped bring this project to life! Vulpin is a language of growls, snarls, and yips. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History)include virtually anyone in social or familial groups. 4 I am overly concerned about how others see me.6 I am better than everyone else. Suggested Characteristics Birdfolk who are grounded often find ways to cope with their aversion to canopy life. They are also inveterate opportunists. Humblewood is an exciting campaign setting for 5th Edition that includes ten original player races, new monsters, magic items, and a compelling adventure for 1st to 5th level characters.