Explore. Ancestral knowledge applied to the modern era. Governs philosophers, great reputation among the learned. Say the Psalms Passage That equates with the Angel. a considerable fortune. For the praising of God and the growing towards him when he enlightens us. II. keen for travel. To be invoked while fasting. A divine talisman should be prepared under favorable influences with the name of the spirit on the reverse side. Governs fortune, renown, diplomacy, commerce, influence on voyages, discoveries,protection against storms and shipwreck. Bestows Patience and the love of learning. 59 Harahel Sincere in promises, will easily extend Helps protect your employment and to preserve your livelihood from layoffs and other misfortunes. Distinguished in thejudiciary, morals and customs of all peoples. called . Lelahel - To acquire knowledge and cure disease. The Original List: Astrological Signs Associated With the Names of The 12 Archangels. 51 Hahasiah - For the elevation of the soul and the discovery Preserves from thieves and assassins. Governs morality and religion. others. Just, honest, loves If you are troubled. All his undertakings Good for those who work as veterinarians or in zoos. Governs occult sciences. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Gabriel. Will also help you with writing eloquently. Since we are sensory-driven, the angels will appear in ways that would allow us to interact and identify them. 17 Lauviah Ask those essential questions about your own existence and where you are heading in life. 44 Ielahiah 29 Reiiel - Against the impious and enemies of religion; Each one of these angels have their own name and power. 72 names of god angels and their duties. Delivers the the presence of the divine that already exists in each Each of those verses is 72 letters and is from one of the most awesome parts of the Bible: God separating the red sea with Moses. 8. They represent "Right Action" or the course of the day. 66 Manakel -For the appeasement of the anger of God and As many of you are already aware, the Holy Bible was NOT originally written in English. Fond of travel and honest pleasures; sensitive heart. For the exaltation of oneself for the benediction and glory of God. In Jewish tradition it is said that whenever a person does a good deed, they create an angelic advocate. The 72 names of God (often called YHWH, short for Yahweh, in the Jewish tradition) derive from the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. To create the first name you combine the first letter of Verse 14:19 the last letter of Verse 14:20 and the first letter of verse 14:21. Governs philosophers, illuminati. Distinguished in the judiciary, He is also a defender of spiritual truth. The Science of Karma by Pujya Dadashri. This angel is very powerful and will help you discover Spiritual Wisdom and Magic. To confound the wicked and for deliverance from those who seek to oppress us (sic).Protects those who call upon him. Click on CREATE ACCOUNT in the upper right sidebar of the Homepage. You can get the breakthroughs you are looking for if you persistently stay on task as work issues will require extra responsibility. Divine Mercy and Forgiveness. morals and customs of all peoples. The diagram reproduced above is very representative of magickal traditions in the modern era; opening and closing a circle in order to invoke/evoke a specific deity. distinguished in higher sciences. Reveals the secret of the Philosopher's Stone and universal medicine. Governs generation of beings. Admin. Each of the 72 angelic energies has their own name, quality and function as well as being governed by particular days and times, giving personal relevance to each person that works with them. Firstly, every virtue and knowledge has a group of 8 angels and an archangel to rule them. Protects against sorrow and care and heals the sick, especially afflictions of the eyes. Known for his talents and acts, 28 Seeiah - Against infirmities and thunder, protects against 72 Angels/Names of YHWH, Correspondence to Astrology, 1- 0 - 5 Aries - VEHUIAH - Will and New Beginnings2- 5 - 10 Aries - JELIEL - Love and Wisdom3- 10 - 15 Aries - SITAEL - Construction of the Universe/Worlds4- 15 to 20 Aries - ELEMIAH - Divine Power5- 20 to 25 Aries - MAHASIAH - Rectification6- 25 to 30 Aries - LELAHEL - Light of Understanding7- 0 to 5 Taurus - ACHAIAH - Patience8- 5 to 10 Taurus - CAHETEL - Divine Blessings9- 10 to 15 Taurus - HAZIEL - Divine Mercy and Forgiveness10- 15 to 20 Taurus - ALADIAH - Divine Grace11- 20 to 25 Taurus - LAUVIAH - Victory12- 25 to 30 Taurus - HAHAIAH - Refuge, Shelter13- 0 to 5 Gemini - YEZALEL - Fidelity, Loyalty and Allegiance14- 5 to 10 Gemini - MEBAHEL - Truth, Liberty and Justice15- 10 to 15 Gemini - HARIEL - Purification16- 15 to 20 Gemini - HAKAMIAH - Loyalty17- 20 to 25 Gemini - LAVIAH - Revelation18- 25 to 30 Gemini - CALIEL - Justice19- 0 to 5 Cancer - LEUVIAH - Expansive Intelligence/Fruition20- 5 to 10 Cancer - PAHALIAH - Redemption21- 10 to 15 Cancer - NELCHAEL - Ardent Desire to Learn22- 15 to 20 Cancer - YEIAYEL - Fame, Renown23- 20 to 25 Cancer - MELAHEL - Healing Capacity24- 25 to 30 Cancer - HAHEUIAH - Protection25- 0 to 5 Leo - NITH-HAIAH - Spiritual Wisdom and Magic26- 5 to 10 Leo - HAAIAH - Political Science and Ambition27- 10 to 15 Leo - YERATEL - Propagation of Light28- 15 to 20 Leo - SEHEIAH - Longevity29- 20 to 25 Leo - REIYEL - Liberation30- 25 to 30 Leo - OMAEL - Fertility, Multiplicity31- 0 to 5 Virgo - LECABEL - Intellectual Talent32- 5 to 10 Virgo - VASARIAH - Clemency and Equilibrium33- 10 to 15 Virgo - YEHUIAH - Subordination to Higher Order34- 15 to 20 Virgo - LEHAHIAH - Obedience35- 20 to 25 Virgo - CHEVAKIAH - Reconciliation36- 25 to 30 Virgo - MENADEL - Inner/Outer Work37- 0 to 5 Libra - ANIEL - Breaking the Circle38- 5 to 10 Libra - HAAMIAH - Ritual and Ceremony39- 10 to 15 Libra - REHAEL - Filial Submission40- 15 to 20 Libra - YEIAZEL - Divine Consolation and Comfort41- 20 to 25 Libra - HAHAHEL - Mission42- 25 to 30 Libra - MIKHAEL - Political Authority and Order43- 0 to 5 Scorpio - VEULIAH - Prosperity44- 5 to 10 Scorpio - YELAHIAH - Karmic Warrior45- 10 to 15 Scorpio - SEHALIAH - Motivation and Wilfulness46- 15 to 20 Scorpio - ARIEL - Perceiver and Revealer47- 20 to 25 Scorpio - ASALIAH - Contemplation48- 25 to 30 Scorpio - MIHAEL - Fertility, Fruitfulness49- 0 to 5 Sagittarius - VEHUEL - Elevation, Grandeur50- 5 to 10 Sagittarius - DANIEL - Eloquence51- 10 to 15 Sagittarius - HAHASIAH - Universal Medicine52- 15 to 20 Sagittarius - IMAMIAH - Expiation of Errors53- 20 to 25 Sagittarius - NANAEL - Spiritual Communication54- 25 to 30 Sagittarius - NITHAEL - Rejuvenation and Eternal Youth55- 0 to 5 Capricorn - MEBAHIAH - Intellectual Lucidity56- 5 to 10 Capricorn - POYEL - Fortune and Support57- 10 to 15 Capricorn - NEMAMIAH - Discernment58- 15 to 20 Capricorn - YEIALEL - Mental Force59- 20 to 25 Capricorn - HARAHEL - Intellectual Richness60- 25 to 30 Capricorn - MITZRAEL - Internal Reparation61- 0 to 5 Aquarius - UMABEL - Affinity and Friendship62- 5 to 10 Aquarius - IAH-HEL - Desire to Know63- 10 to 15 Aquarius - ANAUEL - Perception of Unity64- 15 to 20 Aquarius - MEHIEL - Vivification65- 20 to 25 Aquarius - DAMABIAH - Fountain of Wisdom66- 25 to 30 Aquarius - MANAKEL - Knowledge of Good and Evil67- 0 to 5 Pisces - EYAEL - Transformation to the Sublime68- 5 to 10 Pisces - HABUHIAH - Healing69- 10 to 15 Pisces - ROCHEL - Restitution70- 15 to 20 Pisces - JABAMIAH - Alchemy/Transformation71- 20 to 25 Pisces - HAIYAEL - Divine Warrior/Weaponry72- 25 to 30 Pisces - MUMIAH - Endings and Rebirth, 72 Angels/Names of YHWH, Corresponding to Tarot, (Note: This correspondence was authored by Eliphas Levi, c. 1800's), 1- Ace Wands2- 2 Wands3- 3 Wands4- 4 Wands5- 5 Wands6- 6 Wands7- 7 Wands8- 8 Wands9- 9 Wands10- Ace Cups11- 2 Cups12- 3 Cups13- 4 Cups14- 5 Cups15- 6 Cups16- 7 Cups17- 8 Cups18- 9 Cups19- Ace Swords20- 2 Swords21- 3 Swords22- 4 Swords23- 5 Swords24- 6 Swords25- 7 Swords26- 8 Swords27- 9 Swords28- Ace Pentacles29- 2 of Pentacles30- 3 of Pentacles31- 4 of Pentacles32- 5 of Pentacles33- 6 of Pentacles34- 7 of Pentacles35- 8 of Pentacles36- 9 of Pentacles37- Ace Wands38- 2 Wands39- 3 Wands40- 4 Wands41- 5 Wands42- 6 Wands43- 7 Wands44- 8 Wands45- 9 Wands46- Ace Cups47- 2 Cups48- 3 Cups49- 4 Cups50- 5 Cups51- 6 Cups52- 7 Cups53- 8 Cups54- 9 Cups55- Ace Swords56- 2 Swords57- 3 Swords58- 4 Swords59- 5 Swords60- 6 Swords61- 7 Swords62- 8 Swords63- 9 Swords64- Ace Pentacles65- 2 of Pentacles66- 3 of Pentacles67- 4 of Pentacles68- 5 of Pentacles69- 6 of Pentacles70- 7 of Pentacles71- 8 of Pentacles72- 9 of Pentacles, Review: Planetary Symbols & Correspondence, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND VIEWING THE FULL SIZE IMAGE. Will help you become more social and make more friends. medicine. Some angels do this work for all eternity while some angels are created for one purpose and mission and when that mission is complete, they no longer exists. Mahasiah - To live in peace with everyone. He also governs business, banking, and commerce in general. and philanthropicideas. Sacred 72 names of god guardian angels pronunciation in Hebrew, 72 names of god chart and pronunciation in English, Kabbalah Tree of Life Calculator (Ein Sof Explained! Jeliel - To quell popular uprisings. Zec 13: 1-2), the defender of those who love God (Dn 10, 13.21), the . 8. Jeliel Simply go to your Sanctuary Page, click EDIT and make your own creative choices! According to this manuscript the Angels sacred Against mental anguish, sadness. 51 Hahasiah Loves tranquility and solitude, modest, virtuous. People from all over the world and from all walks of life have used these names to change their lives. https://holybooks-lichtenbergpress.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/The-Science-Of-Karma.pdf. For the discovery of conspiracies. With our calculator it's easy and it's free. Any BOGUS applications are removed and the IP and email address are reported to anti-spam agenices where they are kept on file. The Athenaeum, our Resource and Academia Center is always accepting "access requests" from members. Raguel. 48 Michael - For the preservation of peace and the union I will use the most common. Governs all that relates to God. Love Astrology? Mysteries This lesson could be categorized under both Modern High Magic and Qabalah. Books on Occultism, Magic, Sorcery, New Age Thought, Ceremonial Magic, Kabbala, the Supernatural, Spells. 5.0 THE 72 ANGELS OF GOD - ORIGINS AND NAMES 6.0 CELESTIAL SPHERE ANGELS 7.0 THE PSALMS OF THE ANGELS 8.0 THE FULL ANGEL NAMES AND PRONUNCIATION . Governs The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Governs high science, occult philosophy, theology, the liberal arts. The book separates its content into traditions such as Hermetic Magic, Magic in India, The Holy Kabalah, The Alexandrian School, Women in Magic etc. BEST PLACE ON THE NET FOR A MODERN APPROACH TO METAPHYSICS AND PHILSOPHICS! Also keeps spiritual people on track. for access while you are here.This is a perpetually growing resource center with new material being added all the time. and piety. renown, fortune and philosophy. Governs Amiable, lively, modest, bearing of adversity with resignation. It's not easy but bringing those pieces back together is what we have to be to live a good life. Against those who attack us in court. Even a dead fish can go with the flow. Jim Hightower, Be like seeds; do not see dirt thrown at you as your enemy, but as ground to grow. Matshona Dhliwayo, Art is to console those that have been broken by life. Vincent Van Gogh, The fire of devotion purifies the heart of the devotee, and leads unto spiritual freedom. Protects against armies, gives victory. Protectsagainst harmful animals. Governs religion, theology, morality, chastity, purity. If you have not received your "success" maybe Jera is challenging you to look inside yourself. 31 Lecabel Jan 13, 2019 - These are the 72 angels of God. 22 Ieiael -Governs fortune, renown, diplomacy, commerce, 50 Daniel - To obtain the mercy of God and consolation. To obtain the mercy of God and live long. 4:5), or the seven spirits of angels who are God's. The commander of these is Mikhail, who is surnamed the "Commander of the army of the Lord" (Joshua 5:14). The name is divided into triads which means, that every name is comprised of 3 letters. God's name is in the angel, who must be faithfully obeyed (23:20 ff. This angel is a great healer. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Will also help with meditation. Gives revelations in dreams, particularly to those born on the day over which he presides. 68 Chabuiah IRSS training (Interpretation of Dreams Signs & Symbols), Angel 57 Nemamiah - Developing discernment, Angel 52 Imamiah - Learn to recognize your mistakes, Angel 29 Reiyel - Reaching the High Peaks, Angel 17 Lauviah - The secrets of the soul revealed, Angel 6 Lelahel - The Light that heals all, Angel 41 Hahahel - The meaning of the Mission, Angelica Mantra - Volume 1 (Angels 1 to 12), Angelica Mantra - Volume 2 (Angels 13 to 24), Angelica Mantra - Volume 3 (Angels 25 to 36), Angelica Mantra - Volume 4 (Angels 37 to 48), Angelica Mantra - Volume 5 (Angels 49 to 60), Angelica Mantra - Volume 6 (Angels 61 to 72). So as we will be dealing with the angels It was known only to a handful of kabbalists - who also knew that when the time was right, the formula would be revealed to the world. The 72 Angels Of God The 72 Names Of God Guardian What are their duties How many groups are angels divided into What are their duties Could you please give . Learns easily, keen for honest pleasures. Love (sic) peace, justice, science and arts; He is a promoter of peace. Enlightened requirements ofthe spirit of God. "Crown of God"; archangel of messenger, protection, guardians, and the patron Angel of valor and bravery. This Rune applies to any activity or endeavor to which you have been committed. Good for protection of those who lead the spiritual life. They were 144 until they split up after God created Adam. Contact ANTARA - Manager with an online message or contact her in chat. To confound wrong-doers and liars and for deliverance from one's enemies. Raguel is described as the Archangel of justice, fairness, and harmony. Discover the leaders and teachers of these extraordinary courses. Shem HaMephorash ( Hebrew: m hamMfr, also Shem ha-Mephorash ), meaning "the explicit name," is originally a Tannaitic term describing the Tetragrammaton.