I love that I shared the link to your article with our Drum Maker who coordinates our group. Drums play a vital role in most band setups. The drums can be both musical instruments and works of art, sculptural forms that are often decorated in a resplendent manner suited to their . I will be sure to tell my wife that we should get our son into drumming! Right on track!! Take care and keep on drumming.it is a universal language and a gift of healing from above ! I wish we had more access to places to drum and an unlimited number of drums to share. These are leaderless drum circles with minimal structure and the results are amazing. One year later, i have just read your article on drumming and music, i am interested what you have done in the past 12 months. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine enrolled both middle-aged experienced drummers and a younger novice group in a 40-minute djembe drumming sessions. Infrared Sauna: Can You Really Sweat Out the Toxins. Most of my teachers were Native Grandmothers, other Elder women, and talented men too. Ive been playing over 20 years. I have always been very physically strong but I am finding that it almost seems that I have reached a strength limit which is very inconvenient as this affects everything you do. From Bruce Springsteen to 'Letterman,' Steve Jordan, the drummer filling in for Rolling Stones' Charlie Watts, has a decades-long history. The science behind drumming is now being revealed with enough scientific and anecdotal evidence collated and collected to validate what I myself and many other early rhythm practitioners have been expousing for many many years. This is significant, because that balance is exceedingly hard to come by in modern day life, and brings with it deep healing. I love the term walked past us. Whether you're behind a drum set, hitting a djembe in a drum circle, or beating a marching band bass drum, drum therapy is a real thing. This idea applied musically means boys are likely to be taught drums, girls are likely to be taught something "softer" like violin. Mostly it involves CORE STRENGTH. https://youtu.be/V1TtBJ4cQlo, Thank you Dr. Northrup for this informative article about the benefits of drumming. Hi, thanks for your wonderful article!! I went down the route of drum machines and programming drum hits but was left frustrated at the tediousness of the process and mediocre results. In order to change the root of posture the reason your neurology is altering it must be found. You are quite an inspiration. Indigenous cultures intertwine drumming, singing and dancing into their societies' political and social fabric. I also play percussion in my church band and with others and Im a Toca Percussion Artist. Sounds like sharing your gift is helping to rebuild lives. After reading our article, I feel confident. It is one of the only social media feeds I can watch now that makes me feel better instead of more anxious. Health is being physical social and mental well being while being free from illness specific fitness is performing specific activities at high level without becoming tired easily general fitness is performing everyday activities without becoming tired easily. It clears negativity and is anti-bacterial I believe too. The drummers from Mali were other- worldly. Hi, off topic, but is this Doris Staelhe who used to tutor me in high school? Good luck and bless you for playing djembe. As a Guide, I enjoy & appreciate the experience of all those in Circle. Sounds like a life changing service. The sound of drumming generates new neuronal connections in all parts of the brain. Drummers are important in a band because they act as the timekeeper, lead many of the song transitions, and help build intensity with the volume. I love it so much. He wanted to have a percussion session instead of gym class, but I had an art project with another class. ~Lonnie L. Jones Drumming also appears to synchronize the lower areas of the brain (non-verbal) with the frontal cortex (language and reasoning). Hand drumming, along with natural remedies and acupuncture gave me my life back. It made me so happy to read this. When doctors come on board to reiterate and validate what us field practitioners have been experiencing, sharing and practicing for many years, it makes our role and our job a little easier. at this state they can put what they want into your brain. As an HSP (highly sensitive person) I am generally uncomfortable in large gatherings. I am also an Army veteran and have been facilitating percussion /drum/music therapy groups and classes at the VA and several special education schools for many years. Even though you say you feel like youve plateaued in strength, you are incredibly strong, probably stronger than I am at 29 (and Im fit!). The more the word gets out, the more people will get on board with this fun and beneficial activity. I very much need this type of therapy! Last year just before ending my last sessions with the students, I was asked to come back to the school for couple more times. As a guitarist of many years I was looking into realistic sounding drums to record with. It's a broad question that actually has many layers of an answer. Ive been playing for 10 years now and cant imagine life without drums. Veronica, Amazing about that health insurer. Reduce Stress. ~ shon klose ~. West African drumming is my passion. The class that I finish in two weeks is Relaxation and Stress Reduction. I play the djembe and ashiko primarily but I also play frame drums. Drum on oh Heavenly TOMMY PURPLE HAZE!! And thank you Dr. Northrup for writing about this! In the circle, you will see everything from shakers to the bigger instruments like I mentioned. Didnt say, I want to play the drums, have music class, etc. I was planning a mother-daughter trip for the weekend and your article gave me an idea. I love the sound and the joint participation and having our chief teaching us and how we can laugh whey we get it wrong but keep going. Again, this is extremely rare. So no matter your age its never too late to try something new even if its not the norm. This could be because Indigenous people across the country use many of the same musical resources, such as one person or group singing the same melody . "Some days I feel so over it, almost to the point of apathy," Williams told The Guardian, "but that's the struggle that you have to fight." Everyone who came felt the vibe of goodness. I felt like I had discovered the roots of all music learning and healing! Their blood pressure, blood lactate and . Here's why you should consider providing the gift of drum to that youngster: 1. That puts me told me in the present moment and absolutely prevents me from thinking about the past or worrying about the future For the whole time that Im playing. Thank you so much for your reply Dr. Northrup. FANTASTIC POST!!! My skills on actual drums are on par..when im beaming Im double speed but even at a normal level my hands get extremely fast but its all about the groove. I love drumming. From dynamic presenter programs and workshops to virtual healing arts offerings, explore all Kripalu has to offer you in the comfort of your home. You could play a wind instrument and sing in sequence. Hi Martin, I just read your comment and thought maybe its time to change the type of your drum Im no specialist at all, but I started joining occasional drum-meditation-evenings, and up until then I thought drum is drum but the lady who leads the evenings explained that there are fire drums, that are mor about whats going on outside like the african drums that are very common and the shamanic drums she uses, they take you back to yourself so you are centered within yourself. If you need help, ask a friend expert DJEMBE tuner! I am writing a dissertation on the experience of live music and its therapeutic effects. At home, you could try a magnesium supplement. I swear I went into a trance after listening to the drumming for about 1 hour. All because a student on the spectrum saw me packing up the instruments, as I was to slow to draw the stage curtains. When you're sitting at the throne, leaning back into a backrest will cause all kinds of technique problems. But thats no reason to accept not ever playing the drums again. I work with special needs people in many areas including ex-cons, which I love. Even metronomes do it. You can catch a glimpse here. http://www.drumconnection.com. Rhythm is that which is unseen but felt. I offer an online program that teaches people how to play the frame drum an ancient womens drum and have included this writing in my program! I discovered drumming (specifically, the djembe, a hand drum from West Africa) in 2009 at a caregivers conference and immediately signed up for classes. Women's Health Expert, Visionary Health Pioneer, Wellness Speaker, and New York Times Best-Selling Author Read More, Yes, I understand that by completing this form I am agreeing to receive email messages from Dr. Northrup & can unsubscribe at any time. Since the drums don't produce any melodic notes, a drummer will take a more rhythmic approach to songs, providing beats and rhythms to benefit those songs. I swear I always felt so relaxed after playing his drums. In their 1980 hit song, "Don't Stand So Close . Here, the International drumming group Tao performs (see video below.) Science and Psychology: Drumming as Therapy for Both Mind and Body Thank you! Rhythm is anything that repeats itself in time: the moon cycling around the earth, sap rising in the spring, the pulsing arteries of the body. I love my work and the opportunities I am given to serve. Forward and/or rotated head posture is pain from the brainstem and above, or neuropathic pain. All the the best to you on your drum journey. Brilliant article and great reminder to follow the primal passion of our core. Thank you for sharing the benefits of drumming. Geri, (kittys mom). This is why you might see a flicker pounding on a metal power pole or your house siding - to make the loudest sound he can, not to look for food or drill a hole, but to make a statement. Funnily enough the first day I did drumming I got sinus infection followed by a chest infection and then the next week a stomach cramp that put me in hospital so I dont believe it improves immune system but it might be flushing things out. A few years later when she was 15, and theres stepmother was in the process of dying from cancer Claire starts his drumming on the tabletop a very fast and well executed handover hand. I never knew about all the wonderful things drumming can do. Drums are important in a band because they provide melody, dynamics, and rhythm. I dont want to believe it could be true but would really appreciate your comments. Best wishes. It boosts brainpower and increases confidence levels. You are just getting better at playing the drum, sweating, and burning calories. Drums have been used in every culture for many purposes from religious rituals and other ceremonies, to sporting events, and as a way to communicate or signal. Maybe you can consider starting up a drumming circle in your area-benefiting yourself & others. If modern metal's homogenised triggered sounds have made the genre stale to your ears, delve back for a slice of organic, natural-sounding drums. -socially Hi Dr. Northrup, I was introduced to your work years ago by my sister, and have been following your insightful instagram posts for some time. And you right. In Kenya, in Africa, and around the world, percussion is dominated by men, and typically outright hostile to women who want to drum. I always loved drums and I was taught somewhat about the conga drum from my cousin. But, the benefits you receive when you take this type of class are so much greater than those of your average aerobics class. Janice reading your comment was so inspirational! It is such an important part of my life..couldnt go without it. There are Hospitals who have therapeutic programs which involve drumming and the use of percussion instruments as part of their therapy. We are Heavenly drummers! Dear @PeteSechler, Dr. Northup, and others. I can attest to the benefits named above. Your gift helps create a more awakened, compassionate, and connected world. But i came across Dr Northrup site and read your article. I have since explored many other styles of Drumming and in 1994 found myself entrenched in the Drumming of the Native American Healers in my region of Canada. They are showing up all over the place. You can reap many of the same benefits from yoga, which is why the two are such excellent complements. It makes my day just as much as theirs. Rather than take up space here, if you are interested in some of the experiences of participants, follow this link: https://mixedblood.info/To_Drum_article.html. It's a part of the turkey hunting experience that can drive normally sane . Thank you Christiane for sharing this! This accelerates my brain and provides additional stimulation to the mind and soul. I actuallyJust got home from a djembe lesson. All the best! As your article highlights a drumming program also beneficial for nearly everyone, but am hoping the communication and sensory aspects of my program will benefit people on the spectrum significantly. Both at one point had living souls and moved onto to a different purpose and to live and provide energy in different way. Its never too late to do anything. Sexual selection in spiders shows how sexual selection explains the evolution of phenotypic traits in spiders. The therapeutic effects of our programs touch lives on so many levels and we are blessed to drum every day. This groove-inducing tactic breaks away from the strait feel when every note falls on the expected beat. So uplifting and full of hope. I am desperate to play again after a year off because of the following symptoms. And also for including the link. Good luck. There have been rare instances where animal skins that have not been properly treated have generated natural anthrax, and people have died because of this. Christiane. I touched a Djembe drum April 2, 2022 at a Caregivers retreat; in love. Thank you for popping that bubble for me. It motivated me to get out and go drumming again. "Drumming is associated with a lot of energy, a lot of strength, a lot of power and a lot of masculinity," Mutua says. I am also looking at getting a cajon, which might not suit someone with back problems but there is a model that you can sit across your lap. Thank you, and best wishes. Im so grateful to have found my passion! I play drums, and I feel great after I play, even just for a few minutes, Ive been playing drums and percussion instruments for 26yrs, off and on. His E.A.teacher asked if it was alright, the gym teacher and myself agreed he could come in, so the E.A. Do you happen to have any journal articles or references you could share with me regarding the information you have outlined in this article? My latest videos feature a mindfulness on natarajas dance of creation to the rhythm of our human heart beat. I wouldnt be surprised if others will soon be joining in at the coffee house. Wish me luck! NORMAL? Thank you for the excellent article. I am a 65-year old guy with Parkinsons Disease who loves to drum. It also has many social benefits, as our regular participants have become like family. AND ADRENALINE BEING RELEASED!!!!! RhythmU, who yoU are Beat by Beat. The traditions of dance and drumming that once were part of everyday life in many cultures have faded away or were taken from people over time. I have lupus and my immune system is compromised. Depending on their age and personality, kids have a lot of energy. If you had a bad day before starting to drum you cant even think about it. Again, I experienced such profound relaxation at this evening outing. By accident, through a drum massage for chronic pain issues from Cyndi Boot from (www.rhythmicmemory.com), my ear opened up and I have been hearing from that ear ever since. I love seeing more people encouraging people and particularly women to drum. Drumming is a powerful form of yoga. So delighted to hear this ! I was amazed because I knew she hadnt been actively drumming in a while. I hope you can continue to enjoy and revel in the amount of physical power that you have . Your email address will not be published. Knowing such amazing health benefits of playing drum make me more enthusiastic and happy. In this article, I will discuss the importance of a drummer's impact on an ensemble and how having a musical approach can affect performance or recording. drumming is so mush better than just beating on something. Drumming is such an ancient and healing practice. I live in St. Louis and would like more info on your retreat. And this always feels SO satisfying. The musician, who is 70, appeared on BBC Breakfast with his Genesis band members to promote the group's . My first experience with drumming was when I was fortunate enough to stay a traditional native village in the North West Territories of Canada. Its very valuable and I will use it as a link. I havnt drank since then. Some of us connect through drum and dance. People can enjoy a relaxing and energizing time by participating in the drum and dance circle or watching and listening to the variety of world drum rhythms. Kudos. Its physics. It is an activity that is good because it burns calories and it is fun. Im excited for you. I didnt know drumming could boost your immune system and increases your T-cell production. You have a wonderful sense of humor!! (reciprocal learning) I have many wonderful experiences, dont want to leave out any, here are a few. The reiki filled drum vibration was like having an organ massage, which is what participants told me. I can pick up 25kg of dog food etc, as an example, so I thought I was strong. Your experience will help so many people. I was wondering why I became so obsessed with Pound! I didnt know what it was all about at first. Christiane. I believe this is a most wonderful idea. #drumsnotdrugs. Perhaps research/explore other drums that will work better for you right now.
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