List the skills needed to be an effective PIO. 0 16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727 Demonstrate that you are in the knowB. Blogs are Web sites that allow you to engage in a conversation with readers. 0. What is happening in other areas? 50% C. 25% D. 5%, 9. Picture of EMI Campus with Emergenct Mangement Institute sign in foreground and Buildings N and O in the background" title="The campus of FEMA's National Emergency Training Center, located in Emmitsburg, Md., offers a beautiful environment for first responders, emergency managers and educators to learn state-of-the-art disaster management and response. One that is completely out of reach is de-motivating. Video sharing sites to expand or market a story, and. * The social media links provided are for reference only. Creates a positive impression of your organization. The Sonoran Desert will be among the hottest places on the globe for the next 4 months. The PIOs primary responsibility to organizational leadership as an advisor is to: A. (Unit 1), Describe the role and functions of the PIO. The Public Information Officer Awareness Course (IS0029) is designed to familiarize participants with the concepts underlying the PIO role. He and his wife threw open their window and helped their kids drop to waiting neighbors gathered below. %%EOF Public information entails the processes and systems that enable effective communications with various target audiences. Technology has a great impact on your ability to manage the message. Narrator: Red Stick Ready demonstrates how you can develop a strategy that prepares your community for a disaster and effectively provides critical information when an incident happens. A media pool: Note: Media pools can cause disagreements among the media. Practice talking in 5-second to 8-second sound bites. Having clear goals is the foundation for your campaign. How to Remember Better: A Study Tip for Your Next Major Exam, (13 Tips From Repeaters) How to Pass the LET the First Time, [5 Proven Tactics & Bonus] How to pass the Neuro-Psychiatric Exam, 5 Research-Based Techniques to Pass Your Next Major Exam, 2023 Civil Service Exam (CSE) Reviewer: A Resource Page, [Free PDF] 2023 LET Reviewer: The Ultimate Resource Page, [52 Test Answers] FEMA IS-251A: IPAWS for Alerting Administrators, [26 Test Answers] FEMA IS-284A: Using the Substantial Damage Estimator 3.0 Tool, [32 Test Answers] FEMA IS-1120: Letters of Map Revision (LOMRs), [23 Test Answers] FEMA IS-101C: Preparing for Federal Disaster Operations: FEMA. A micro-blog is a type of blog where the message is shorter. %PDF-1.6 % Make it less likely that your release will be cut C. Impress people in the target audience D. Be a barrier to communication, 22. 19. Brian Hyer: We had all kinds of questions. It is important to prepare each person to ensure your message is consistent. Some evaluation data can be collected without contact with the audiencefor example, number of Web page hits or increase in the quantity of smoke alarms purchased. The steps to organize and conduct a news conference or briefing are: Note: You may want to identify several knowledgeable people to assist and provide information at the news conference or briefing. A theme that begins in this course and is carried throughout the Public Information Training Series, the 95/5 concept A. is a management concept unique to public information management. Successful written communication conveys your key messages and: More information on writing clearly and effectively is presented in Lesson 3. Were people prepared for previous incidents? This lesson introduced you to different tools you can use to communicate your message as a PIO, including: In the next lesson you will learn how to prepare quality written products for these tools and how to speak effectively with the media and to the public. (Unit 3), Recall preparation techniques that contribute to a successful media interview. The test questions are scrambled to protect the integrity of the exam. It includes features and characteristics that are not available in a traditional news release, such as: In addition to having good written communication skills, a successful PIO also needs to be able to speak effectively. They can be timelesslike encouraging children to be active. that can be used to purchase operational resources as needed, Paper forms, in case there is no electronic access (i.e., no Internet access, power outage, etc. You can entice them to stay by giving them regular official updates and letting them know that if they are absent they may miss something important or interesting. In their zeal to get the story reporters may not always recognize the potential for danger to themselves. Transparency in government promotes efficiency and effectiveness and allows the people in your community to understand and participate in your processes. Describe the role and function of the Public Information Officer (PIO). What events nationally and globally are in the news? Learn and respect your media contacts deadlines. Include information on evolving media contacts, instructions, and resources. Uses information from other members of the local unit to develop accurate, accessible, and complete information on an ), John enjoys boating, swimming, and to fish. Use examples and comparisons to help convey unfamiliar information, to paint a picture, or to help the reader relate to the information. As with ICS, the JIS is as simple or complex as the needs of the situation. . Walter Monsour: So, the message was managed extremely well. The AP Stylebook is used by most of the news media. At the completion of this lesson you should be able to: In the previous lesson, you learned about the audiences with whom you will need to communicatethe media, the public, and employees and leaders within your organization. (Correct), The report was written by the officer. Coordinate information being distributed to ensure consistency with other agencies messages. Set up interviews and write talking points C. Be an intermediary between leadership and the news media D. Assess situations for public information implications, 14. Tammy Kikuchi: I would say it, whatever expense it takes for your Public Information Officers to get the training, spend it. Smith activated the State Emergency Operations Center, which coordinates State firefighting efforts in these situations. Having such knowledge enables them to make informed choices that affect their health and well-being. Timely updates and corrections to information in evolving incidents. While it is not the responsibility of the PIO to provide food or facilities for the media, a little kindness in this area can go far in building a positive relationship with the mediaespecially if the incident occurs in a remote area where few if any comfort facilities exist (e.g., if the incident is in a remote field, a porta-john will go a long way in making friends!). 3 Step Guide for Assistance, Federal Emergency Management Agency | Emergency Management Institute, Notice to Applicants for EMI or NFA Courses, How to apply for a FEMA Independent Study course (Online Course), How to apply for a course held in EMI (On-Campus Course), Non-Resident Courses (EMI Courses Conducted by States), National Standard Exercise Curriculum (NSEC), Master Exercise Practitioner Program (MEPP), Emergency Management Professional Program (EMPP), National Incident Management System (NIMS), Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC), Disaster Field Training Operations (DFTO), Schools Multihazard and Mass Casualty Planning, Virtual Table Top Exercise (VTTX) (Sites participate from home via VTC), Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, Exercise Simulation System Document (ESSD), Guidance on COVID protections for EMI students, Please review the IS FAQ's for more information, IS-29 Public Information Officer Awareness, E/L0388 Advanced Public Information Officer, Master Public Information Officer Program, Special collection: Emergency Management Institute student papers, E/K0389 - Master Public Information Officer Implementing Communications Strategies for Whole Community Leadership, E/K0393 Master Public Information Officer Applying Advanced Concepts in Public Information and Communications, E0394 Master Public Information Officer Mastering Public Advocacy Plans to Create an Effective Community of Stakeholders. At the completion of this lesson you should be able to: Key to being an effective PIO in an emergency is the ability to: Lets start by looking at what you need to know about emergency management. Communicate information to enable people to prepare for an incident and to make decisions during an incident to protect lives and property. A well-executed interview will likely not A. advance leaderships goals. After taking this course you may want to take other courses to help you continue your professional development. When considering whether a goal is attainable, ask yourself: Do I have the skills and resourcesor can I get themto achieve this goal? Using acronyms in news releases may:A. This lesson reviews the four steps in creating a public awareness campaign. The Incident Command System is a fundamental element of emergency management. Many wikis are open to alteration by the general public without requiring them to register user accounts. If you do not want something recorded by the media, cover it up or shield it with a vehicle. There are also professional social networking sites with sections for jobs. The Governor is continuing to monitor the situation. If you determine the need for a media area: At the scene of an incident, the news medias most basic needs are access to information and images. Managing Public Information for All-Hazards Incidents (MPI) is a four-day course that provides students with the practical knowledge of the role of the Public Information Officer, the National Incident Management System, emergency communications methods, risk communication, and interpersonal skills. Angie Welling: Pretty much every State agency was involved, and thats when we found out pretty early on that the Governor had involved every aspect of State government. News releases should adhere to the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook. Serves as a press secretary for the Agency Executive or Senior Official during the incident. Public Information and Warning . Also, it may be necessary to explain to them the danger, and how if they fail to heed the warnings and become injured, they may endanger others who would have to then go in to rescue them (e.g., passing into the plume of a Hazmat area, traveling over an unsafe structure that may collapse, or moving into the line of fire of an armed suspect). The Governor repeated his request that everyone use caution and heed warning messages on TV and radio, or in their newspapers. Office: (301) 447-1200 Fax: (301) 447-1201, (800) 621-FEMA / TTY (800) 462-7585 Different types of Web sites can be used to get information to your community: Email is another way that you can get information to members of your community and organization. A secondary audience is elected or other officials such as Incident Commanders or emergency operations center managers who want an overview of emergency public information. All social networking sites allow users to find people they know among the members, or look for other members with similar interests or affiliations. The Governor declared the emergency following a similar declaration by Liberty County. NIMS provides a consistent, systematic, proactive approach to guide departments and agencies at all levels of government, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector to work seamlessly to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of incidents, regardless of cause, size, location, or complexity, in order to reduce the loss of life and property and harm to the environment. Are there cultural differences to take into consideration? FEMA IS-29: Public Information Officer Awareness Course Summary Select the correct definition Public Information A. Coordinates the release of accurate, coordinated, timely, and accessible public information to affected audiences, including the government, media, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector B. Its community preparedness. A PIOs proactive approach to public information enhances credibility in messaging. Preparing quality written products including news releases. B. is not bound by public record laws. (Incorrect), John enjoys boating, swimming, and fishing. Contact commercial vendors to identify contacts and the process for news releases. The latest information on activities, events, and resources. (For example: The suspicious package was the size of a laptop computer. Disclosing information to the public in ways that are easy to find and use. There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. You can use different types of media and different avenues to get your message out, including: According to a Pew Research Center project conducted in December 2010, Americans now get most of their news information from television and the Internet, with newspaper readership declining. Consider your resources and your role in ICS. Understand the National Incident Management System, Incident Command System and their correlation with the emergency response system. wA{)K+Xk80538L``V[mvWS|?9U7 The most important point is is an example of a transition phrase or: A. Promote government programs and activities B. News releases are one of the most commonly used tools for PIOs. Allows access to one media representative from television, radio, print, and Internet to a restricted area. Did the message reach the targeted audience? At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Federal Emergency Management Agency | Emergency Management Institute, Notice to Applicants for EMI or NFA Courses, How to apply for a FEMA Independent Study course (Online Course), How to apply for a course held in EMI (On-Campus Course), Non-Resident Courses (EMI Courses Conducted by States), National Standard Exercise Curriculum (NSEC), Master Exercise Practitioner Program (MEPP), Emergency Management Professional Program (EMPP), National Incident Management System (NIMS), Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC), Disaster Field Training Operations (DFTO), Schools Multihazard and Mass Casualty Planning, Virtual Table Top Exercise (VTTX) (Sites participate from home via VTC), Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, Exercise Simulation System Document (ESSD), Guidance on COVID protections for EMI students, Please review the IS FAQ's for more information, Define emergency public information and the importance of being proactive. D. The ninety-five (95%) segment of the 95/5 concept, 5. It uses organizational charts that can be provided to the news media C. It was created for first responders and is helpful at the beginning of an incident D. It has been proven effective during massive wildfire incidents. Conduct research to determine which tool is best to meet your agencys needs. One of the advantages of the Incident Command System (ICS) is: A. Select this link to access a printable . Sometimes logging in for a session is recommended, to create a wiki-signature cookie for signing edits automatically. An important part of the PIOs relationship with the media is knowing what they want. B. report to the Finance/Admin Section Chief when arriving at an incident. Resource Typing Definition for Response . IS 29.A Public Information Officer Exam Questions | FEMACourses You cant manage who shows up but you can and should manage contact with the site. Public information is a vital function in disaster operations that contributes greatly to saving lives and protecting property. A news release should be used when an activity or incident is newsworthy based on: News releases should be printed on your organizations letterhead and include a header with contact information (name and number), date, and a news release number. Make sure the media area is far enough away and/or your workspaces are shielded from prying cameras, microphones, and eyes. All of the above, 23. Describe the role and function of the PIO. During an incident, the media wants: At an incident scene, after you have conferred with the Incident Commander to assess the situation, you can begin to manage the situation by making contact with the media. The best approach is to meet with school officials early to determine when your program best fits their schedule. The Public Information Officer Awareness Course (IS0029) is designed to familiarize participants with the concepts underlying the PIO role. 16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727 The benefits of social media include the following capabilities: New social media tools are being developed and implemented all the time. B. an important part of the PIOs job. You have many resources available to ensure that the information reported about an event and your organization is true and accurate. Access to the scene for information and images. And thats not all. This course can provide a basic understanding of the PIO function for those new to the position. The highest-ranking State official C. His/her regular boss D. The Operations Section Chief, 13. Cell phone(s) with email capability or satellite phone(s), Flash drives and CDs* containing the elements of the crisis communication plan (including news media contact lists, PIO team contact lists, information materials, etc. It is important to build relationships with your media contacts. Avoid fillers (um, er, uh); dont be afraid to pause while formulating an answer. Governor James Smith today declared a state of emergency in the Great A&P fire that is rapidly spreading west. In their haste, each suffered minor injuries, including stitches for their son who cut his ankle on the glass of the first floor window. C. will transfer to a planning position if no media covers an incident. hb```f``z B@16 @>cC?v,gY&9w=K{mg,XRV3Z'le Media pools are used to restrict access to an area due to space limitations or safety issues. Identify contacts and sources that are relevant to your organization. Time is a crucial element in any public awareness campaign. Private wiki servers require user authentication to edit pages, and sometimes even to read them. A. (Unit 4), Apply public information techniques to a 5% scenario. !]U9[MZ\waQ>yICK{",|.NH&ec* 'C/M;WrQJ6bs\ 886} In 2008, the average per-person hospital treatment cost for heat related illnesses in Arizona was about $7,500, leading to a whopping $11M in treatment costs. Zoom lenses, parabolic microphones, and just plain observant reporters may be able to discover sensitive or protected information from your incident command post (e.g., zoom shots of maps, recorded conversations, etc.). ), Manuals and background information necessary to provide needed information to the public and media, Topic-specific fact sheets, backgrounders, talking points, and news release templates (hard copy and electronic), Business cards with 24/7 contact information, Funding mechanism (i.e., credit card, etc.) The table below summarizes what you need to provide for a print story, and identifies the advantages and limitations of print. Guidance on COVID protections for EMI students, and the CDC Coronavirus page for the latest updates on the pandemic response. When will you implement your campaign? The rise of zombies in pop culture has given credence to the idea that a zombie apocalypse could happen. What are people in your community concerned about? IS-29.A: Public Information Officer Awareness - FEMA The successful PIO develops credibility and builds relationships with the media by consistently: More information on media relation skills and managing the media is presented in Lessons 3 and 5. But its not just preparedness information that the mayor and his team also have a plan for, they also have focused on how to provide critical and accurate information during an emergency by including every emergency response agency in the Emergency Operations Center the EOC and embedding the media in the communication process. People have a right and a need to know about the risks they face. For example: Active voice is clear, direct, and concise. Score .9906. Select it carefully and choose your background wisely. Verdi White: The way that we set this particular operation up is we took the Incident Command System and made it an overlay onto the National Guard that had the infrastructure to be able to do all the functions that we needed to accomplish to do this, and of course one of the central components of, of an incident command system is the public information piece. Media management skills including knowing what the media wants, managing amateur journalists, and using media pools and media areas. Use the media area for all media releases and conferences. To read this blog, go to:, Example 1:Survivors of the April tornadoes have until Monday, June 27 to register for disaster assistance from FEMA as well as . They also tell people how they can prepare for a disaster, and protect themselves when disaster strikes. May allow access to more than one person from each media type when necessary (e.g., television reporter and a camera operator, or newspaper reporter and photographer). They have access to the officials. The goal of this awareness course is to provide an orientation to the public information function and the role of the Public Information Officer (PIO) in the public safety/emergency management environment. Narrator: In addition to a preparedness television show and Mayor Mouse, Red Stick Ready also communicates preparedness information through a Web site, the use of social media, and events like Red Stick Ready Day. 1955 0 obj <>stream Check Web sites and social media sites, read newspapers, watch TV, and listen to radio to know how your message is getting out. Coordinate access to policymakers and others (e.g., first responders and disaster survivors). Better yet is the number of people who call and request preparedness kits! Select the correct definition Emergency Public Information A. Coordinates the release of accurate, coordinated, timely, and accessible public information to affected audiences, including the government, media, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector B. What will you change in future campaigns? On average, between 30 and 80 Arizona residents die from heat related illnesses every summer. Its not complicated; its very easy for them, which makes for better reporting. In your communication strategy, identify how you will use social media by itself and together with traditional media to prepare your community for emergencies, and to provide them with life-saving information when an incident occurs. Establish contact with other agency PIOs. (What will motivate them?). Note: Often micro-blogs will provide links to Web sites or social networking sites for more information. Tammy Kikuchi: Having the Joint Information Center for this event was critical. The Public Information Officer may also perform a key public information-monitoring role. Lieutenant Doug McCleve: One of the reasons why we felt it was so important to put together a Joint Information in the first, Center in the first place is because we knew that there would be all aspects of State government involved in this process from providing basic food and clothing and shelter for these people who have had nothing for up to a week. The most popular social networking sites have groups, which offer chat boards for members. Ability to hold feature stories and run them when space is available or on specific dates or times of year, Audio (sound clips or telephone interviews), Prerecorded segments lack the break-in option for providing emergency information, Exaggerated nature of local television news.
Webbed Toes Mythology, Articles T