Caruso, M. M. et al. Article B Biol. Spatiotemporal pattern of COVID-19 spread in Brazil. b, Bivariate choropleth map of the estimated change in life expectancy at birth in 2020 and 2021 based on the DT19 method (Supplementary Tables 5 and 11). Sci. )fdg{ca8L[2!/5\r>yGFB]Jd0EH|-v6fmxtlv^{@-0x@oOXLx1)&f@4M6"S6,+I"zvM7AC ~z:Wy{wF3JkGZpd\ _] 7N8cPi} All environmental data were gathered from experiments, literature, or the ecoinvent database (version 3.5)51, and implemented in SimaPro v., as described in detail within the Supporting Information (Supplementary Information pgs S36S41). Considering the large COVID-19 death toll in Brazil, with marked regional inequalities, our goal was to quantify the loss in e0 and e65 in 2020 and in the first 4 months of 2021 due to the pandemic. 4 0 obj
USA 118, e2019536118 (2021). | Saiba mais sobre as conexes, experincia profissional, formao . For each state and sex, we calculated the difference between the two life tables to estimate reductions in e0 and e65 due to COVID-19 (Supplementary Tables 1 and 2). Lancet 394, 345356 (2019). Peter Bauer, Jonas Brugger, Martin Posch, Sven Drefahl, Matthew Wallace, Gunnar Andersson, Hctor Pifarr i Arolas, Enrique Acosta, Mikko Myrskyl, Ian F. Miller, Alexander D. Becker, C. Jessica E. Metcalf, Stefano Amore, Emanuela Puppo, Giuseppe Liotta, Ariel Pablos-Mndez, Simone Villa, Richard Alan Cash, Megan ODriscoll, Gabriel Ribeiro Dos Santos, Henrik Salje, Nature Medicine Most consumer PSA-based products are found in either quadrant 3 or the central region (e.g., office tape, sticky notes, bandages, and removable labels), which is signified by low-to-medium G and G. Codice fiscale e Partita Iva 10125211002 . Pocious, A. V. Adhesion and Adhesives Technology, 3rd ed. Sci. Blackwhite risk differentials in COVID-19 (SARS-COV2) transmission, mortality and case fatality in the United States: translational epidemiologic perspective and challenges. 4, 28912897 (2013). Jan 2021- Apr 20214 months Calgary, Alberta, Canada ENCI 693 - Project Engineering Management was a industry-led course for the graduate students majoring in Project Management at the Department. Applicants wishing to apply for more than one topic, must submit a separate proposal under each topic. Nat. Fornof, A. R. et al. Thus, we estimated total deaths in 2021, inclusive of COVID-19 deaths, as \({\,}_nD_x = ({\,}_nK_x - \,_nD_x^{COV})({\,}_n^ \ast M_x) + \,_nD_x^{COV}\), where \({\,}_nD_x\) is the number of deaths estimated to occur in 2021 in the age range x to x + n; \({\,}_nK_x\) is the population at risk in the age range x to x + n; \({\,}_n^ \ast M_x\) are age-specific mortality rates in the absence of COVID-19 (assumed to be 2019 mortality rates); and \({\,}_nD_x^{COV}\) is the number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths. Al-Jabari, M., Abu Ghyadah, R. & Alokely, R. Recovery of hydrogel from baby diaper wastes and its application for enhancing soil irrigation management. Res. In addition, D.I.C. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Decrosslinking has been reported using ozonolysis16, though not for the purposes of mechanical recycling. The decline was larger for males, widening by 9.1% the femalemale gap in e0. Giving superabsorbent polymers a second life as pressure-sensitive adhesives, <>
Among the states, Amazonas, Rondnia, Roraima and Mato Grosso had the largest declines in e0 in both 2020 and 2021 (Fig. LIFE-2022-SAP-NAT Nature and Biodiversity - Standard Action Projects (SAP) Page contents Details Description Details Status Closed Publication date 17 May 2022 Opening date 17 May 2022 Deadline model Single-stage Deadline date 04 October 2022, 17:00 (CEST) Funding programme Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) Department 4). ]}JazX HuEYW0l n5!R?VF|-ww!OHq3G,a@n:X%~m=}WW[ll_oq Pereira, A. K., Oliveira, M. S. & Sampaio, T. S. Heterogeneidades das polticas estaduais de distanciamento social diante da COVID-19: aspectos polticos e tcnico-administrativos. Andrady, A. L. Lancet 396, 367368 (2020). Similarly, given the higher risk of dying from COVID-19 at older ages5, the death toll can be measured by e65, defined as the average number of years that a 65-year-old person would be expected to live if subject to the underlying mortality rates for ages 65 and above in a specific year. It is also the case that the difference in life expectancy between 2019 and 2020 could encompass secular changes unrelated to the pandemic. In Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003). The main results presented in the text are based on differences between the 2019 and 2020 life tables, for two primary reasons. Arena, U., Ardolino, F. & Gregorio, F. D. Technological, environmental and social aspects of a recycling process of post-consumer absorbent hygiene products. Informao Demogrfica e Socioeconmica. 9w%?>Jb(o.IACt"`. Jennifer Sargent was the primary editor on this article and managed its editorial process and peer review in collaboration with the rest of the editorial team. Rev. LIFE-2022-SAP-NAT-GOV Nature Governance Each project application under the call must address only one of these topics. Offensive waste valorisation in the UK: assessment of the potentials for absorbent hygiene product (AHP) recycling. Jul 13, 2021 Nature and Biodiversity ID:LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE Type of action: [object Object] Objective: To contribute to European Union objectives for the protection, maintenance and restoration of the Union's natural capital in its marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. The ecoinvent database version 3 (part I): overview and methodology. Estimated change in e0 (c) and e65 (d) in 2021. VIGISAN. Nuzzo, J. The resulting acidic polymer solutions were used directly in the subsequent experiments without any isolation steps. Chem. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. Moriguchi, T. & Arita, Y. a, Change (in years) in the femalemale gap in e0 and e65 based on the difference from life tables calculated for 2019 and 2020 by state and sex. Process for Producing Acrylic Acid. endobj
2 0 obj
Records with ill-defined, unspecified or unattended deaths (codes R99 and R98) in 2020 were treated as non-COVID-19 deaths (4.9% (75,484/1,541,556)). Therefore, we estimated the provisional decline in life expectancy in 2021 thus far; this estimate is based on the DT19 method noted earlier but, in this case, adding confirmed 2021 COVID-19 deaths to the deaths expected among those who did not die of COVID-19, who are assumed to be subject to 2019 mortality rates for the remainder of 2021 (Supplementary Table 11). Google Scholar. Dev. Combined, these data indicate that open-loop recycling of the superabsorbent poly(acrylic acid) to synthesize PSAs is both energetically and environmentally favorable compared to petroleum-derived syntheses in our assessment. These results demonstrate that solvent hydrophobicity improves conversion to the ester. Genomics and epidemiology of a novel SARS-CoV-2 lineage in Manaus, Brazil. Demonstrativos de linhagens e genomas SARS-CoV-2. Liu, Y., Lotero, E. & Goodwin, J. G. Jr Effect of water on sulfuric acid catalyzed esterification. . JAMA 324, 510513 (2020). Fifth, reductions in the health budget and changes in the health financing model are likely to affect health outcomes40. Correspondence to The dataset provides the age and sex structure of hospitalized COVID-19 deaths, and frequent updates are made publicly available by the Ministry of Health ( (2020). sub-programme "Transition to clean energy". Recording of LIFE Infoday session(edition Call 2021- content valid also for call 2022) Rede PENSSAN. and T.A. Super absorbent polymer (SAP) marketGlobal industry analysis, size and forecast. Sci. State acronyms by region: North: AC=Acre, AP=Amap, AM=Amazonas, PA=Par, RO=Rondnia, RR=Roraima and TO=Tocantins; Northeast: AL=Alagoas, BA=Bahia, CE=Cear, MA=Maranho, PB=Paraba, PE=Pernambuco, PI=Piau, RN=Rio Grande do Norte and SE=Sergipe; Center-West: DF=Distrito Federal, GO=Gois, MT=Mato Grosso and MS=Mato Grosso do Sul; Southeast: ES=Esprito Santo, MG=Minas Gerais, RJ=Rio de Janeiro and SP=So Paulo; South: PR=Paran, RS=Rio Grande do Sul and SC=Santa Catarina. axL5Bv\cH L(8@#lP&djen$kqbn7GwU$Kn~`
d!B"mheQ%$HL3\0(Jqv\s. 2U19AI089681-08). First, as our main specification, we constructed period life tables that considered deaths by state, sex and age group. Prod. Article To the extent that correction factors are approximately equal for 2019 and 2020, our estimates are not seriously affected by missing deaths. a, Estimated change in life expectancy at birth in 2020 based on the difference from life tables calculated for 2019 and 2020 by state and sex. The Kick-off meeting of the LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE TURTLENEST project will be held on January 20 in Rome, at the Legambiente headquarters. Process Saf. JAMA 324, 13911392 (2020). To interrogate this hypothesis, we measured the percent esterification under different conditions. May 1998 - Jan 20012 years 9 months. Usually, the mid-year population is a good approximation of person-years lived during the year. Health 8, E1018E1026 (2020). Supports production requirements as needed and performs other related duties consistent with the nature of the job as directed by the Ops Leader/Plant Leader. PubMedGoogle Scholar. 34, 189200 (1991). Nature Governance ). %jgm'"RerkS%K8%b-R*$U{[>m
/m1Zf%R(tO*Z{| k,o2;6_s1R5]:4]"%DA& iAL (~E$5B=_"d)}5.zMQU3 d &=1,/'d@|u%jB]Lpl[&nVR&B%,Qq[ J. Phys. Technical Assistance Projects (all subprogrammes): 22 September (5 p.m.). M.C.C., N.G., T.A. First reported cases of SARS-CoV-2 sub-lineage B.1.617.2 in Brazil: an outbreak in a ship and alert for spread. a, Ratio of COVID-19 deaths reported in 2021 (JanuaryApril) to those reported in 2020 (%). Political and institutional perils of Brazils COVID-19 crisis. Across states, the largest declines were estimated for Amazonas (3.14 years), Amap (2.46 years) and Par (2.44 years). In quest of challenging role Operational excellence in specialty chemicals, pharmaceutical industry demonstrated success extremely reliable, collaborative; 16 + years associated with companies. Buss, L. F. et al. %PDF-1.7
U.S. Patent 8404887B2 (March 26, 2013). Aburto, J. M. et al. {o"yQr8"2ioFq[V <>
Among males, two states, Amazonas and Par, both in the North region, lost all that was gained over 2 decades (Fig. GetScriptingEngine End If If Not IsObject (connection) Then Set connection = application. Self-wetting adhesive composition. Expected Impact . Scope: Andrasfay, T. & Goldman, N. Reductions in 2020 US life expectancy due to COVID-19 and the disproportionate impact on the Black and Latino populations. Soil Environ. At each time point, the maximum specific energy (wmax) was calculated using the maximum power drawn from the outlet and the mass of added PAA (Supplementary Information pg S3), and the molar masses were determined using size-exclusion chromatography. B 121, 36263635 (2017). conceived the research. CAS . is supported by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. M.C.C. (20152020). Natl Acad. Chubarova, E. V., Melenevskaya, E. Y. Stab. Preston, S., Heuveline, P. & Guillot, M. Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population Processes (Wiley-Blackwell, 2000). We performed all demographic analyses in Microsoft Excel version 16.44 and data cleaning and processing in Stata version 15.1 (Stata Corporation) and R version 4.0.0 (2020). In Amazonas, male e65 was estimated to decline by 20% from 2019 to 2020. Effect of socioeconomic inequalities and vulnerabilities on health-system preparedness and response to COVID-19 in Brazil: a comprehensive analysis. 1a, Supplementary Table 1 and Methods), with a larger drop for males (1.57 years) than females (0.95 years). Creton, C. Pressure-sensitive adhesives: An introductory course. Slider with three articles shown per slide. Chang noted that most existing PSAs appear between the G and G bounds of 103 and 106 Pascals (Pa) at the aforementioned bounding frequencies, and can be grouped into the quadrants (and central region) highlighted in Fig. On the final day of the Team Girls Cup, I went for a morning trip to Surfers Paradise for a swim and quality time with the family. Managed the strategic partnerships with: Microsoft, Nokia, and NavTech. The autonomous nature of this role allows for providers to own the patient's quality of care and allows for collaboration with attending physicians and other providers at the facility with the. For 2019 and 2020, our estimates include deaths from all causes registered in the Mortality Information System. Bystryak, S., Santockyte, R. & Peshkovsky, A. S. Cell disruption of S. cerevisiae by scalable high-intensity ultrasound. For decades, mechanical recycling has been used to recover some value from waste polymers, although recycling rates are low2 and the material quality is often reduced. One salient example is the superabsorbent material used in diapers and feminine hygiene products, which contain crosslinked sodium polyacrylates.
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