Humans in power in this planet for the last 13 millennia have been nasty power elites, bloodlines, invadors and secret societies in service-to-self. Answer: Some observed UFOs as you call them belong to us, but most not. At the same time, it proves that magic does not exist but esper does along with Godel God Theorems. (The one in 1953, as I remember, even had an intact drive core. The matter has taken this turn and despite many times we feel the greatest in the world we are very small compared to many more evolved beings of us, in more advanced dimensions. The oldest religions in the world dont even worship beings, they simply try to point you to the true nature of your own consciousness. This story is ridiculous and physically not possible (even your species should be intelligent enough not to believe this.) Taken from . Could you ask more about their soul and ours and their ability to astral travel in comparison to our ability? As if it is their right as a more advanced species. About the same time as "Genisis" in the . Some of them are running the governments of the world and that is the reason the planet is in the state of affairs it is today, heading for destruction. Im 46 now and a few times every year since I was a young kid, Ive had vivid, coherent dreams of huge alien ships low in the sky and of the futile chase our planes enter into. lacerta files part 3. The secret endeavor was to set the alien technology in place later against evil enemies of that great country. So much in such a short time. Through these half truths they made you dependent on the synthesizing of high {numbered} elements, and thereby renewed by their own technology. You are, after all, free spirits. Your simple words good and evil are in any case examples of a tendency towards generalization; in my language there are many concepts for the various shades of meaning of individual behaviors in comparison to the norms of a society. Also read our forum at Read my books at . We can also eat and digest some substances which are poisonous for you. The first advanced humans (who lived at the same time with less-developed pre-humans, because the Illojim had experimented with different speeds and stages of evolution) with technology and speech existed around 700,000 years ago on this planet (your scientists have not understand this, because theyve found only the bones of the pre-humans and some primitive cave drawings showing advanced humans and flying devices.) I am no historian, I am studying only your current behavior, so my knowledge about those events in your history is presumably not very extensive. I'm concerned because her behavior towards the interviewer made her opinion on us seem really passive. Thats why Im here and talk to you, thats why I have revealed my real nature to E.F. and now to you and thats why I give you all that secret information and why I will try to answer all the questions on your many sheets of paper honestly. If we sit in the sun (especially naked and with our row of small back plates in the sun) our body temperature can rise for 8 or 9 degrees within minutes. The last creation of the seventh breed of your series was done just 8,500 years ago and this is the only creation you can remember and to which your religious writings refer. If anybody knows of any other similar encounters with Reptilians I would really appreciate some internet links. No, we have no visible tail. One thing first before the explanation: it certainly sounds ridiculous to you that such highly developed extraterrestrial ships simply crash, and that a relatively large number did so in a relatively short amount of time. It was by means of that device that you saw for the first time that you had understood the entire concept fully incorrectly and that you had reconstructed it fully incorrectly. Quizs no seamos muchos los que somos open mind en estas cosas, pero trabajando juntos podramos hacer grandes cosas. I would appreciate it if you dont try to say my real name with your human tongue. We will meet again in some months and you will tell me then what have happened after the publication of my message. Or worse, don't think twice about it. Im glad to hear about it. As a scientist, I feel a study of their world could greatly change our views on our own. The interest of this humanoid species you call them Illojim today was not the raw material and the copper, it were to our astonishment the unadvanced ape-humanoids. Ive made some notes about your history and now I have some questions. I'm in fact insistent to the interview, and though it leaves a lot of questions, like why would they hide in caves. Answer: This is difficult, because your human tongue is not able to pronounce it correctly (and a mispronunciation of our names is very offensive for some of my kind.) As a result, for a very short period of timehow should I phrase thisthere was an unchecked shift of the environment to a plasma-like condition, which on the other hand, through a very, very unfortunate accident, caused an overturning of the general power field into a magnetic pulse of immense power. Were wasting more or less valuable time by doing this. The worst is to keep shut up conforming to authority and the System without questioning. This depends certainly on the point of view. Apparently not a lot because they choose to snuff us out 6(!) More about that later.) Is possible, that is the doors to Lacertas world? To dig deep into the universe and its secrets you need to research using official science and metaphysical literature. So far the mummies of Nazca have not been identified as of details of their galactic race or their interaction with local people in Nazca. I believe what you have written. You are animals for them. I just wish that everybody thought like I did. Its a typical case of half-truth meets half-fiction. It is one of your own secret military projects that you build with the help of immature alien technology technology that was handed over to you by the extraterrestrials during the 1960s and the 1970s. U are destroying this beautiful world and it's too late..They will resurface soon.Dogma is the earth biggest enemy. Other name for God is All That Is. The biological cause for these abilities lies on the side of matter, by the way, in the pituitary gland, which always is in the position to generate the frequencies to actively control the sphere of influence {Feldraum}. Part of the pronunciation of that name is absolute unique and there is no other being with the same name, but part of this name (the middle part) is pronounced in a way that told the others to which "family" (I must use the word, because you haven't the right one in your vocabulary) you belong. They appear in different shapes to you to confuse you and to make so-called abduction witnesses who were able to remember the events or who believe they are able to remember ridiculous in the public and as far as we know, they are successful. In addition, the head is the only part of our body where we have hairs. They are even lower than the Reptilian Dracos. I believe that they believe we are not done evolving. Simply put, there are absolutely NO purely evil species. Please call me Lacerta, this is the name I generally use when Im among humans and talk with them. The reptilian race is very old in the galaxy. In the last years of your 1970s and your early 1980s, it finally came down to various events between the alien species and that human government I dont want to go into detail here since there is much that even I am not exactly sure of. When your general public chases counterfeits and frauds for a long time, then they will presumably discover too late, what is really going on in front of them in their atmosphere. One possibility they have is the destruction of your social system by influence on political leaders, another is the use of advanced weapon systems which can cause earthquakes or volcanic eruptions or other disasters (including weather disasters) which may seem natural to you. By the way, we have 3 air shafts and 2 elevator systems there, and even a tunnel connection to the next main colony which lies approximately 500 kilometers to the southeast. Our lips are shaped like yours (those of females a little bit larger than those of males) but of a pale brown colour and our teeth are very white and strong and a little bit longer and sharper than your soft mammal teeth. If she wanted to warn us she would need to address the society in a way that her warning would be understood and accepted. I am physicist and would like to need have a accurate translation to better understand the physical mechanisms described. I would assign it at first glance to an alien species who have been visiting your planet for the last 35 years or so. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con *. In case you were expecting me to act offended, I guess Ill have to partially disappoint you. If she will contact me, for me will be something extraordinary. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . Evolution had done this for your species already in the dinosaur age and a little bit later also for ours. Normally, there are only three ships there its a small depot. It contained also a description of the animals and saurians on earth, including our pre-intelligent ancestor species. According to Lacerta we are on our own, tough luck for us humans. I mean, in the US the candidates came down to Trump and Hillary you used to have to have a military background to even run. Apparently, however, some of my performances today have set you to thinking about your world, something that cant be all bad. If I would now try to change this, it would probably lead to an absolute confusion or to unconsciousness and I dont want to harm you. If you touch my skin, you will feel that it is smoother than your hairy skin. Let me say, that we are not absolutely sure if there will be really such a hot war already in the next years. which deceiveth the whole world: Unfortunately, the whole thing that I have explained to you in your words has come out to be rather primitive, Im afraid. Most likely, if the aliens had not descended to planet Earth, things would have gone differently for better or for worse. That one day we will do away with duality and the believe that something can be owned. Do you want to say a last sentence or message? No. Theres absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is for real. There was a large colony on the continent you call Antarctica today and another one in the continent you call Asia today. No. I found this very interesting. You asked me last time whether you people have the opportunity to protect yourselves against this influence, and I told you that only an awake and concentrated mind had any kind of a chance to withstand it. Satan and Lucifer were fallen angels now uncreated. I think she still has hope for mankind, and either we will choose a camp or we will be caught in the middle. Please help, With that nickname you chose to identify yourself I doubt someone wants to contact you, don't you think? (Fortunately, the material was also stored on floppies.) We need to realize we are one consciousness as a human race and treat each other with kindness, respect, and humility, only then will we realize our potential. Go through your world with open eyes and you will see or maybe not. In this position I am quasi-immune against certain restrictions. The cause for the magnetic fluctuation at that time was probably an electrical disturbance brought about by a weather event. The explanation for that is likewise more than strange, but it is correct. Of course we would also ask for help when it became clear that your old partners were ganging up on you. I hope i can one day. Answer: The Illojim came from this universe, from the solar system you call Aldebaran in your maps. I live in a small town, sometimes while in my home i hear voices comeing from the crawlspace. Worshiping God is not a religion. Tambin es cierto que somos subdesarrollados y en cierta forma desprotegidos mentalmente, pero por qu no unirnos para evitar que los otros extraterrestres nos hagan dao? To describe to you all the buildings and their tasks would be going too far. Last time, I had mentioned that highly-developed species which is capable of changing levels (which is something completely different from the simple bubble changing, for bubbles are a part of each and every level). The lowest astral planes, or Hell, have demons and human souls that have touched bottom rock in the swamp of sin and materialism from the Illuminati, their minions in politics, banking and industry down to the lowest levels of society. By October 29, 2021 duck ragu recipe jamie oliver. The renegades and fallen angels of that war were confined to this prison planet. In terms of your chances against a more highly developed species, you have none at all. It's gold. How then do you expect a benign reptilian race wants to deal with humans?, UNLESS THEY ARE REPTILIAN RENEGADES who have dealt with the secret government of the USA, and have dwelt in underground bunkers of Area 51. Man has the corrupt politicians and criminals in power he deserves for his political inaction and apathy, lack of judgment, discernment and gullible mind. Remember, your early mammal ancestors developed together with dinosaurs and they survived the bomb like us. Translation by Chris Pfeiler, Editor and Translator. You should listen and learn from people but stay away from established religions of officialdom. Now, there is not only one level, but several. Luckily there is a strong push in the world for green energies, but hopefully it is not too late. Answer: The last time I saw really no necessity in overburdening you with facts of that kind (and now you are obviously overburdened). There is even a medical dispensary and a meeting room located there. Do you lay eggs? If you really want to try to see one of our craft, you should have a look at the skies over the Arctic, the Antarctic and over Inner Asia (especially over the mountains there.). My general advice if you find yourself in a, for you, strange underground installation: run away as fast as you can. I feel this is far too detailed to make up. I wont even exclude my own kind in this regard, for there have been certain occurrences in the past which I dont personally welcome, but about which I would also not like to go into detail. I suppose most of you have read the weird document called "Lacerta File I" which I had sent you last week and I have received some response from you concerning that stuff. Concerning the reptilian aliens, there is a possibility that it was physically impossible for them to return, because the matter between bubbles is sometimes in rapid movement. Were you looking for an answer other than God and you finally got it from lacerta? Answer: I have a certain feeling that you dont believe me, despite the fact that Im sitting here in front of you. You must understand that you are not the first human civilization on the planet. How easy it would be if you are what you claim to provide real meaningful information. Answer: I can attempt to do so, but I certainly will not tell you where this place is located. Ideas about the existence of a hidden species of reptilian humanoids - either from outer space or from a time before humans - are commonplace in conspiracy theorist circles, in myths and legends, and in modern fantasy and science fiction. This species that we are discussing and it was always in this time period that this species used a disk-shaped craft used a propulsion system which ran according to the normal principle of fusion, to be sure, but one that at that time employed a more than unconventional method for field alignment. CLOSE YOUR MIND AND OPEN YOUR EYES AND YOU WILL SEE WHAT I HAVE. This was our direct ancestor. These are parts of a transcript of an interview Ive made with a non-human and reptilian being in December 1999. During the time from 4,900 years ago to today, many other alien species arrived the planet (some of them used the old teaching and programming of your mind and played again God for you) but the Illojim themselves never came back. Answer: To say it with your words: Im a curios student of the social behavior of your species. Answer: No, Earth is not really completely hollow and there is no second sun inside. The following may again sound unbelievable and even shocking to you, but as you have asked I will explain it. I would love to be able to stay in one of their cities underground and learn from them. There is an extremely high number of nerves and large blood vessels in this structure and in the plates (which are around two or three centimeters long and very touch sensitive this is the reason why we have always problems to sit in chairs with a back like this chair.) Greetings to Lacerta. When I am driving, I slow down for a duck, giving the mother time to reach the other side of the road with her ducklings. The plasma state of matter is a special form of matter which lies between its real existence and the sphere of influence, that is, a complete loss of mass and pure accretion of energy of various form whenever matter is pushed or shoved. {NOTE: No explanation was given for the use of the word pushed, shoved as used in this context. Now at that time this species had just arrived on the earth and their point of origin lay on a planet with a more stable magnetic field, for which they had developed and aligned their drive. I have a gut feeling this is factual and Im someone who has a lot of answers. They are a different race, not human. However, the human species is capable of such generosity and empathy towards others and other species too. Do you now then have permission to talk with E.F. and me about all these things and even to make this scientifically public? 148 millions of years time for the evolution of animal-like mammals, 2 millions of years time for the development of (more or less) intelligent beings like you? This method had various advantages but also disadvantages. An illustration of a 3.5" floppy disk. Official science is a fundamentalist religion that protects the Establishment at any cost. But your kind has always been ignorant and has from time immemorial tried to play around with forces which you have not even understood. Question: I dont know. According to our limited knowledge about the early days this global war was the first alien war on planet earth but it was definitely not the last (and a future war is coming soon, while a cold war as you call it between alien groups is ongoing since the last 73 years on your planet.) A tail makes only sense for a primitive species which tries to walk on two legs and must held the balance with the tail, but our skeleton had changed during evolution and our spine is nearly in the same shape as yours, so we need no tail to stay on two feet. Some people think it is all a made-up story. War is not always that primitive thing you humans mean with the word, War can be fought on various levels. That world, where everybody feels as One, is described in 2 of my books: BVC Community Plan and Journey Into the City of Light of BVC. As long as the dark forces of the Last Dark Cabal Illuminati and Zionist control the planet the benign reptilians wont have a chance to emerge to the surface. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Thank you for your excellent work (without seeing it yet I already love it). Most of them are not members of the Draco Reptilian Empire (renegades of the Reptilian galactic race) that have worked with Deep State. The Lacerta Files Audiobook Addeddate 2016-07-22 01:54:40 Identifier TheLacertaFilesAudiobook Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t6g20s53p Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3. Hello. In addition I discovered by pure chance some hidden data in a likewise hidden directory index. We can't travel to other planets and our mechanical devices are crude and polluting but we can do one thing they can't and that is to feel love and empathy. With all sides of humanity fighting against each other and causing more rifts, hatred and anger than ever before, perhaps now is a good time for these "aliens" to show face, expose themselves, even at the risk of war (considering current human wars are already costing thousands of innocent lives) it might unite humanity in some way? To see the IRS annual inflation adjustments for tax year 2021 and 2022 see here. For example, if I decide to use my mental powers once more in order to move this pencil, then, simply said, I imagine in my mind how my consciousness/awareness expands/amplifies itself on the matter side in the form of post-plasma to the pencil. I hope in an answer. One evening, my apartment door was standing wide open, my TV set was running and I am absolutely confident that I had turned the TV set off. We should try to get rid of them and to be open in order to develop ourselves to something better. I could even demonstrate it on you, but you were really horrified and confused the last time, so well just leave it at an explanation. Comentario * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ada2c395c82320db64669062f8cd22f3" );document.getElementById("b15fa0f07c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); New Age Website Dedicated to the Dissemination of TruthF. Your kind is ignorant. We are living in an environment of media control and a society that was told for many, many years that these alien things are stupid and people who were examining these things faced disadvantages all over their live. Lacerta said in the interview. This business of races, patriotism, flags and borders is only to control the sheeple. Just don't photo Lacerta. This group includes generally your genetic relations except one of them had decided to left this group and your connection with father and mother is often the strongest. The fact you should remember is, that advanced species are able to walk between bubbles by use of as you would call it quantum technology and sometimes in special ways only by use of their mind (my own species had also advanced mental abilities in comparison to your species, but we are not able to do the matter-string/bubble changing without technology, but other species active on this planet are able and this looks to you like magic as it had to your ancestors.). I keep watching for more material on Lacerta available on the web and certainly would add it to the present one in BVW. Please contact me through the email provided. Please, read them and you're welcome to make comments on them. Answer: We measure the time not like you in astronomical years and in the revolving of the earth around sun, because we usually live beneath the surface of the planet. It is difficult to describe something like that to you, for it is a completely different set of surroundings and culture from what you are accustomed to in your life on the surface. I am a person who has encountered Satan himself in his base form as a cruel man with of Caucasian descent with a suit on. I must admit to being just a little tiny bit skeptical about the whole thing. The Fallen Angels of the Luciferian Rebellion that happened 200,000 years ago. If she really would like to benefit from this interview she should collect the response from people who are open minded and willing to reflect our societies attitude with the information provided in this interview. All the same though, very interesting read! Lacerta File I - Part 2 of 2 Translation by Chris Pfeiler, Editor and Translator. But back to your Question: Creatures with more powerful mental powers can have a direct influence on the para-layer by means of their consciousness/awareness fields. So many of us eat things we grow ourselves, look at the bible in a metaphorical sense and study it with caution, ignore the news, follow our own path, have that free will Lacerta was speaking about. This has been something that has greatly interested me since I have discovered it. I think I recognized some inaccuracies (from a physical point of view) in the translation to English. None of these occurrences have happened in the last 200 years of your time scale. I doubt you can, because your mind is like an open book to read and write for nearly every species I know. Not to learn or to observe, but to rob, maim and kill. Is there a way to gain more information? Two further crashes occurred in 1950 and 1953 in the water catchment area of the American continent. On the other hand, if this is a work of fiction, I hope to read more as it is quite good, and I RELISH topics of science fiction and science fact, the world is a place of wonder, and learning about it has always been a love of mine. Major sites of us are beyond the Arctic, the Antarctic, Inner Asia, North America and Australia. Im an awake individual. They also have zoos for keeping humans for food. However, they have broken the tone barriers and can now send below human sensing frequencies out. Is there a second sun inside our planet? Whenever you people take a look at an ant hill, and another person comes along and steps on the ant hill, what do you do?
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