And how many general authorities have said we can trust the standard works and that they will not mislead us? It is not real truth. I have no need to convert everyone or even one. How fortunate Marilyn is to have seen, felt and been injected by her guardian angel! says Angstrom Troubadour, Ph.D. We all have personal angels by our side, watching over and caring for us. Poison who you will, but none will accept your iniquity as long as you continue to polute the human mind in this estate. Thats right, many LDS members have taken the anti-Mormon role spreading hate about a belief system they understand little about, they represent well their hate and likely fear of his work publicly. If the church can use wickedness as evidence of righteousness, so could Hitler. Christopher doesnt post the whole video himself because he simply doesnt care. And Christopher didnt make it up. I am not going to share any more information with the people of this world. That we come together in peace and harmony and agree to disagree? They learned that humanity will not and cannot be saved unless all law and authority is based on the simple concepts taught in the Sermon on the Mount. Nothing that this church (or any of its factions or breakaway sects) teaches as the gospel of Christ is found in the, The overall gist of the simple teachings of Jesus Christ culminates in helping a person be respectful, kind, compassionate, and humble towards others. He accused the church of leading the people astray. shall be no priestcrafts; for, behold, And Moses 7: In their story, the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ came to the ancestors of the modern native American people and taught them the fullness of the everlasting Gospel., In correlation with the New Testament teachings of Jesus, within their, shall be written my gospel, saith the Lamb, and my rock and salvation., It was upon this rock (this gospel) that the American people were guaranteed perpetual salvation. Why would it tear down the Mormon church? Perhaps what Christ taught about the spiritual beauty of the gospel and being hungering no more, is also a literal feeding and drinking concerning temporal prosperity so that we are all well and can pursue happiness, whatever that may be. And he, like Smith, made outlandish claims without any supporting tangible evidence. Christopher doesn't know that he is an avatar any more than a video game's avatar knows about or is aware of the person who created the avatar and is using it to play the game. You should read the story of Korihor. my God will give me, if I ask not But, this is America and your free to be as stupid a shill as you want to be. If there a god who is father of our spirits? I still learn things from it when talking to people like yourself. Leave go our Zion Kingdom as we provide a space for your kind in the last days upon the world in which you deserve. The love of our Lord! I just asked her if she's written her story and would be willing to share it. The church teaches gender makes people different but that they are still equal. The kind of problem that puts weapons in the hands of a child so he can feed his family in pride. My parents didnt call me Real Truth by Fire, how perceptive of you. This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi, chapters 12, 13, and 14. When our forefathers are actually the ones who created misery for the rest of the world after ending their slavery to England. That doesnt mean that I am judging you. This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the, Had the early American Christians realized the importance of these simple and basic principles, and had they established their laws and government on these, the United States of America would have been what the. If we are truly to leave judgement to God, why all this Luciferian garbage about Gods judgement when the scriptures make it very plain that you arent allowed to do this? The True Savior and Ruler of this World is Jesus Christ. I go to church because the Holy Ghost (in non-religious terms, my true self or advanced self) suggests to me that it is a good practice and that I can benefit them with my presence. 4. Everything that I have testified to above has a religious connotaion to it. :). Sch ni TNG NAVARRE VI TRN IN BIN PH Jean Pouget Ti xung nghe tp m thanh sch They seem to always want to eliminate judgement under the guise of Love each other. Wherefore, if they should Why is the LDS church withholding important aspects about the gospel from those who havent received their recommends? You are trying to promote a book you admittedly stated is, Not the Real Truth, In my opinion, its just a novel based on BOM. That is the goal, but it cant be met if the other decides being uncivil and cutting me down is the best strategy. When and who holds the priesthood varies on policies. But that is changing. Nothing that this church (or any of its factions or breakaway sects) teaches as the gospel of Christ is found in the Book of Mormon. That is, show us real truth. Will there be a judgement day for each of us? But there is something different about Snuffer. Has no real job except to dupe money from the poor that are searching for the truth. She devoured it over six weeks, in the process emptying two boxes of tissues and several red ballpoint pens as she wept and underlined page after page of scripture. Ive seen it through these two rocks, theyre called the Urim and Thummim. These same concepts were integrated into the ancient Roman Catholic Church and were responsible for saving the Eastern part of the Great Roman Empire. Most of the world's misery is caused by those who are misled by the Bible's teachings and also by those who interpret and teach their followers that it is the ultimate "word of God." It is NOT the word of God. There isnt one person I know if that understands the work as well as I do who still goes to church. We excelled at scripture mastery, went on missions, married in the temple, and diligently started families. To explain their intent and what motivated them to write a new American scripture and introduce it to early America, the Real Illuminati instructed me to write a seriesa Trilogyof books. Being a curious child, always wanting to learn new things, I would read the books in secret because my grandmother was not Mormon and forbid me from even touching them, however any chance that I had I succeeded in reading the majority of both of them. This books intent was to turn the hearts and souls of the early American people towards establishing the greatest government and nation the world had ever known. I am comfortable with what I believe and am glad that you are as well. There was no rationality to be had. (Raniere), The Sealed Portionis to counter the Book of Mormon. -Christopher Nemelka. Manuscript Found is a weak excuse for the Book of Mormon. Most of them are from other LDS sects all over the United States! Without this harmony and peace between one another, the only possible outcome is contention. They are good people who do the best they can. and set themselves up for a light Treat them as the god that they are. I have looked for truth and confirmations of the Spirit more than any other person I have ever known without exception. Korihor would tell me I am wicked and that you are wicked. Celestial kingdom is not celestial because of where it is, but because of who is in it. We are the god of that universe, and that there should be no other god before us. She would closely observe how I reacted so she knew what she needed to say to continue to dupe me. . It is clear to me that we are not in Gods presence and there is no true Zion. In the past, Christopher has also been known as Christopher Marc Nemelka, Chris N Nemelka, Chris M Nemelka, Christopher M Nemelka and Chris Nemelka. I could never believe in someone who quotes the Bible and Book Of Mormon and affiliated scriptures who promotes it and desecrates it simultaneously, providing utter confusion to the weak in faith, and lacks obviously true spiritual values. I no longer have any interest in or responsibility for continuing to warn the people of this world about what is soon to happen upon this earth. Once the Holy Ghost is in the lives of those who repent and listen to its promptings, this is sufficient authority to guide personal actions. But we shouldnt blame the devil for all that is wrong with the world when we can take responsibility for our own actions. As soon as I figured out who she was behind her mask, I became enemy number one. Are the leaders of our country righteous men? It seems like Real truth by Fire hasnt seen this video in which Nemelka admits to having written and NOT translated the so called sealed plates . One side believes people should be held responsible and accountable, the other says its always someone elses fault and not mine. Still waiting for the 15 apostles to admit its true or say it isnt. Regardless of what we do in this life, as long as we choose Christ in the end, we are given a level of glory. There are programs here and there to feed the sick and needy, dont get me wrong, but the problem is there were sick and needy to start with. The girl I met had been engaged twice before ever meeting me. of flesh; for I know that cursed is The Book of Mormon was the unsealed portion of a record that was reported to be a translation of certain plates with the appearance of gold. I expose this book as mischief beyond Cain as he attempted to hide his deed from an all knowing God. It cannot be a true restoration if old is accepted with the new. Up to this point, all of their prophecies have been fulfilled, except those prophecies that have to do with the complete destruction of the human race. The actual words of Christ, excluding all other teachings of the New Testament, still remain pretty clear. nothing. Ask The Father in the name of The Son and you will receive these things. Should we fight against it and learn to control it, or should we blame Satan instead? Because our parents know ahead of time what our reactions will be to these earthly circumstances, they are understanding when we do commit errors (or acts of sin). I certainly do not think so especially after my encounter with one. Do you not know the answers, or just dont want to answer? Not this fgt. Just because we dont end up with the power of creation, doesnt mean we arent equal to those that do. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. He teaches us to violate the law, Christ teaches us to follow it. Christopher Nemelka states he does not believe in the Book of Mormon in his Reality Quest. Accountability from the LDS understanding to the understanding in Christophers work is not the problem. I called for my husband and asked if he had came buckets over me in the night, but he hadnt. The Sealed Portion - The Final Testament of Jesus Christ Apr 6, 2005. by Christopher Marc Nemelka . See also the following articles from the Salt Lake City Weekly: Your generous support makes the work of MRM possible. Seriously, people? Yet, there is nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the intent and desires of the Real Illuminati. If you want to talk about responding to war, that is a bit different. The Book of Mormon is based upon deception to my understanding, but I still accept it for the incredible work that it is. Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a Marvelous Work and a Wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. good, and good evil, that put darkness They learned that humanity will not and cannot be saved unless all law and authority is based on the simple concepts taught in the Sermon on the Mount. They would say, Go for it. It is about as long as the post above. 35 Yea, I know that God will give He claims that historians dont have a clue of what happened back then. I agree the Book of Mormon was inspired, but real truth? He wasnt even talking about the book we all know of as the Sealed Portion. Richard "Dick" Nemelka passed peacefully and in the company of family following a battle with cancer and the only thing in this life brave enough to challenge him. That He weeps, that his own tears wet his feet, because of the wickedness among us. How is it a individual that does not belong to any religious organizations is aware of these books yet absolutely know one in the church of Mormon later day saints mentions it but you can find countless articles about this Marcus character. As D&C states, that which does not edify is of Satan. the other. Why are we wasting time with it. Gods ultimate goal is for all of us to be happy, and he knows best where to place each of us based on the choices we make. The United States in every aggression against other belief systems, is killing Christ again and again according to the Bible. Nemelka claims that Smith told him that he was to finish the job Hyrum was unable to complete. Thats the problem with claiming scripture is false, it falsifies everything, including what you use to justify your position of being taught by the Holy Ghost. And while our dad may be gone. What you call lying I call allowing those around me to exist in peace. For this reason, my personal website has been shut down to the world. It is pride that causes one people to think themselves more enlightened than another, and this pride causes contention just as the early church experienced because of those beliefs. But in that society you would never feel any judgment at all. . Christopher Nemelka claims that he has been called by God to translate the Sealed Portionas well asthe Lost 116 Pages of the Book of Mormon. Dont think for one moment that there are not people who would gladly exterminate Mormons, or Blacks, or Whites if they had the power to do so. have charity they would not suffer (NOTE: If youre interested in knowing how this work has affected the lives of other people, you can review the following testimonials at The three books of this Trilogy will give the specific details of what this group has done to help save humanity.
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